Easy HIIT Workout

by Kathy Smith

A HIIT Workout That’s…Easy?


During the past few years, high intensity interval training (HIIT), has been the breakthrough method for fat burning.

Now, research in Denmark is unveiling a new approach to HIIT training. It’s faster, easier, and more fun.

It’s called the 10-20-30 method, and women are finding that this new intense method is actually….fun!

The basics of the 10-20-30 method are simple.

Choose your favorite cardio activity (running, biking, rowing, etc.) and move at a gentle pace for 30 seconds. Then, increase to a moderate pace for 20 seconds, and accelerate to all-out for an intense burst for 10-seconds. Repeat the cycle 10 times.

The method would make more sense if it was named the 30-20-10 method, but 10-20-30 is more catchy   


If traditional HIIT training isn’t working for you, or you’re ready to shake up your routine, replace 1-2 of your weekly workouts with the 10-20-30 method. Because the exercise is intense, your body needs time to recover after the workout…so make sure you don’t perform this workout on two consecutive days. Remember, the 10-20-30 plan shouldn’t be your only source of cardio, so keep up your regular walks or bike rides


HIIT training refers to a pattern of short bursts of high intensity efforts broken up with active recovery periods. While the typical routine doesn’t last very long, it has been credited for a long list of benefits, including:

  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Greater athletic performance
  • Increased metabolism

But, there’s a catch.

Traditional interval training requires you to push yourself to your limits. At the end of 30 seconds, you should feel breathless…like you can’t go any further.

At the end of the “push” segment of your interval, you should feel completely breathless…as if you have no more to give!

The idea of pushing yourself to exhaustion turned some people off, and those who gave it a try had the tendency to give up on the method before they saw results.

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | exercise, Kathy Smith, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments
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