Fit Forever with Kathy!

1 Tummy Trick You’ve NEVER Tried

by Kathy Smith


Here’s an amazing idea…You can tighten your tummy without any more dreaded crunches. In fact, today I want to show you a mini belly-strengthening trick that will grant impressive results. I’m willing to bet that it’s a trick you’ve never (ever) tried before.

It’s called the “stomach vacuum with a lift.” This isometric contraction has nothing to do with your Hoover, but this vacuum should be part of your weekly routine :) This trick helps strengthen your transverse abdominis, the abdominal muscle that I call your “built in spanx.”

Here’s how to start:

  1. While on all fours, contract your abdominal muscles, cinching your abs toward your spine. Be sure to not hunch your shoulders.
  2. Focus on lifting your knees ever-so-slightly off the mat by creating this small abdominal contraction. Your knees will lift only a minimal amount off the floor…if at all. Remember, the key is to create the lift with your abdominals, not by rolling your weight into your shoulders and lifting your hips.

After practicing this technique for a month or two, your jeans should zip up a little easier!


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Pilates For Thinner Thighs

by Kathy Smith

Look no further for stronger thighs than this classic Pilates move! In this action, the top leg works as resistance while lifting the bottom leg toward the ceiling.

Long, Lean and Sexy is a playful take on my #1 blend of exercises to give you a knockout body. It’s a gentle mix of arm-strengthening yoga, ab-defining pilates and a leg-sculpting barre workout!

Includes 3 DVDs:
Yoga Sculpt
Peel Off The Pounds Pilates
Barre Body Lift

or purchase the full set by clicking HERE!



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Can You Pass The Balance Challenge?

by Kathy Smith


You’ve probably heard that your weekly dose of exercise should be 150 minutes per week. And, you may have given yourself a high-five because you faithfully tie up your workout shoes every day. But even the most dedicated gym-goers can wind up with holes in their workout routine. There’s a high likelihood that you (yes….I’m looking at you) are missing one vital part of your routine…balance.

Yes, balance training helps to prevent falls as you age.  And yes, it helps with core stabilization to help perfect your posture and improve coordination. But, it’s much more than that. Balance training also strengthens your neuromuscular coordination, meaning that it improves the communication between your muscles and brain.

In today’s blog, I’ll show you 4 techniques for beginning your balance training:

  1.  Beginner’s Test
    Let’s start by testing your level of stability. To do this, start by standing with a wide stance and slowly heel-toe your feet together…they should be touching. This is a very basic first step to test your balance. If this feels comfortable, move on to step two.
  2. Take the Flamingo Challenge
    This is a drill that’s designed to enhance your ability to balance while moving or while stationary. It’s one of the most basic balance exercises. To do the flamingo, stand on one leg for 30 seconds with your arms relaxed by your sides. You’ll most likely use your dominant leg. Lift one of your legs, so you’re balancing yourself on one leg. After 30 seconds, switch to the other leg.Now, jazz it up! While still standing on one leg, start slowly swinging your suspended foot forward, back and out to the side. This is a dynamic action, so you’ll feel all the muscles of your stabilizing leg working hard to keep stationary.
  3. Balancing Act
    Think that’s easy? Now try the same move with your eyes closed. Your body will begin to sway in every direction! The ultimate goal here is to develop enough balance (and confidence!) to eventually stand still during the move. By simply closing your eyes, your stabilization muscles will work overtime.

No matter what your age, balance improves your posture, your core, and your confidence.


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Metabolism-Boosting Yoga

by Kathy Smith

Yoga has always been more than just a form of exercise for me. It also releases stress and gives me greater peace of mind. Of course, improved flexibility, range of motion, coordination, posture, concentration and circulation are amazing benefits, too!

Is yoga a good way to lose weight Kathy Smith

This week, I asked my Facebook community to share their views on yoga. I was surprised when an overwhelming amount said they don’t practice this ancient art, because they don’t think it would help them lose weight.

So, today, let’s dig deeper into this issue. TRUE OR FALSE: Is yoga a powerful way to burn fat fast? 

Maybe you want a quick answer to the question, “Is yoga a good weight loss exercise?” Like many questions in life, the answer is it all depends. With weight loss and yoga, it depends on the style of yoga you’re doing. There are slow, fluid classes that are more about stretching, and there are other classes that are more about power, speed, and strength. All yoga is beneficial to your health, your mind and your overall well-being, but which style you choose will determine how many calories you’ll burn.

If you’re looking to lose weight with yoga, here are 3 reasons why it’s a good idea to start today:

1. “Vinyasa Flow” classes burn 3 times as many calories as traditional “Hatha” yoga!

Since you burn calories in your sleep, it’s safe to say that all yoga styles burn calories. To burn the most calories, find a yoga class that focuses on strength, fluidity, flow, or power. Typically, these classes will be called “Vinyasa Flow” or “Power Yoga” and you’ll definitely break a sweat in these classes because you’ll not only burn calories, but you’ll also increase your heart rate. You can burn up to 597 calories in a Vinyasa Flow class, compared to 189 calories in “Hatha” yoga, a style that’s more relaxing and focuses on flexibility.

Beyond having great weight-loss potential as an exercise, yoga offers an important mind-body connection that is just what you need when it comes to dropping the pounds.

2. To reduce your caloric intake throughout the day, take mindfulness off the mat and into your life.

Research shows that the mindfulness side of yoga has a strong correlation with weight loss. That’s because the mindfulness that you practice in yoga is carried into your daily life. Managing temptation through good decision-making is easier when you practice yoga, because you’ll learn balance, confidence, and relaxation so you can be fully present in each moment and make decisions that are beneficial to your health.

The stillness of being in the moment helps you make healthier decisions throughout the day, especially when you’re faced with a choice like, “Should I have a brownie or should I have some strawberries?”

Most yogis also find that their practice develops keen awareness because of the mind-body connection that is created through yoga. Awareness is exactly what you need for successful weight loss – both to be conscious of when you’re full and to completely appreciate healthy food choices and the positive effect they have on your body.

Toned, lean muscles have a flattering effect on every body and provide a self-esteem boost as you travel on your weight loss journey. Yoga is an excellent body-weight workout that develops the muscle mass you need to fire up your metabolism.

3. To burn more calories after class, perform strength-training poses.

Yoga helps develop strength without bulk. Some yoga poses require you to hold your own body weight while controlling your breath. While you’re bearing this weight you build muscle in your entire body…from your arms to your core to your calves! Because you’re focusing on your breath, you’re less likely to be aware of the effort it takes to create those lovely muscles. But this is exactly why yoga has so many devoted followers – the muscle definition that seems to magically appear. This increased muscle mass will also help you move more efficiently throughout the day, which helps burn extra calories!

Have I won you over yet? If it’s weight loss help you’re looking for, yoga provides it and then some! It will not only help you lose weight, it will also improve your balance, strength, coordination, flexibility, cardiovascular health and physical confidence. Give yoga a try with my Yoga Sculpt Workout!


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Step Up To Strong!

by Kathy Smith

Who says you can’t torch fat WHILE strength training? It’s time to dust off your step, because this throwback tool is no longer just used for aerobics. In fact, when used properly, the step is one of the most underutilized pieces of equipment that can transform your triceps, biceps, back and shoulders.

Not only can a traditional step routine pump up your heart rate and focus on your legs and “assets,” but try polishing your routine off by using your step as a workout bench, and adding in some upper-body toning moves.

With a little creativity, there are countless upper-body strengthening moves you can use with your step bench. 

Don’t miss the 4-minute upper body step workout video below! Pick up your weights, and let’s step it up!

Own your copy of Kathy Smith's Power Step Workout today!


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6 Weird Ways to Drop The Last 10 Lbs

by Kathy Smith

lose the last 10 pounds

I am often asked about this dilemma: Why, after working out for months and months, altering their lifestyles and changing their diets, do many people get stuck on a “weight loss plateau.” Bringing us the question, “How the heck DO I lose those last ten pounds?”

Most people become locked in to their everyday routine, the one they used to lose weight and improve their cardiovascular health. But as their bodies have changed they’ve become more efficient, so the routine that once seemed like a killer now burns fewer calories. At best, this level of activity helps to maintain current weight and fitness levels, but does nothing to move us off the “ten-pounds-to-go” plateau.

Losing those last stubborn pounds simply requires an increase in your exercise intensity a couple days a week—one that enables you to reach and maintain 80-85 percent of your maximum heart rate. When you reach that level, your metabolism gets an additional boost; moreover, the benefits of that boost last longer, so you burn more calories and fat at rest, not just during the workout. While the idea of working out harder, faster or longer than you’ve become used to may be daunting, the process itself can actually be pleasurable once you start to see the pounds drop.

Ready to melt away even more pounds? Here are 6 tips to to slide down the scale:Get AMAZING arms with Kathy Smith

  • Lift heavier weights. By simply using a heavier dumbbell, you nudge your body to move the needle. Lifting heavier weights raises your hormone levels, which allows your body to burn fat longer after your workout is complete. And I promise…adding a few extra pounds to your strength training routine won’t make you bulk up.
  • Switch up the time or place you workout. By changing simple elements of your routine, it will make your workout feel fresh again. So instead of hitting the gym after work, try rearranging your schedule to workout before your morning shower. This change is stimulating, and can give you motivation to push yourself a little harder.
  • Don’t Be A Stress Mess. When your body is stressed, your adrenal glands pump out extra cortisol, which causes an imbalance in your natural hormone rhythms. Extra cortisol triggers your body to hold on to fat and hinder you from reaching your weight loss goals. While nobody has a completely stress-free life, it’s important to reduce your stress to reign in cortisol.
  • Add avocado to your day. The simple three-letter word “fat” may make you steer clear, but adding healthy fats (found in avocados, nuts, salmon, and coconut oil) can actually help your body shed pounds. And as a bonus, they’re packed with omega-3s, which help your body fight inflammation.
  • Be a weekend warrior. A shocking study found that even dieters consume an extra 420 calories on the weekend. Although it may not seem like a lot, adding a few hundred extra goodies can stall your weight loss goals.
  • Add other simple ways to burn more calories to your daily routine, like using an ankle cuff resistance band at your desk. Yes, sitting is the new smoking, so add some movement to your desk routine to keep your body in motion.

Remember, the greatest benefits of fitness has little to do with thinner thighs and tighter tummies. Those are just the bonuses. The true gifts that come from a healthy lifestyle are much more profound. The exercises below can improve mental and emotional health, mood, vitality, energy, happiness, and lifespan!


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by Kathy Smith



You don’t have to check into a spa to unwind. For serenity now, try one of these 3 at-home massage methods.

1. Check The Stick, But Keep The Ball

TigerBall_Updated_4bf34fd6-07aa-4f3e-8306-7e02c42884cb_grandeLacrosse balls are becoming the go-to tool for easing muscle tension after a workout, which is why so many fitness trainers love them. They’re perfect for easing out muscle knots or pressing into and stretching muscles  to help reduce inflammation and promote healing. Try this: Place the ball against a wall between your shoulder blades and roll your body back and forth and in circles over it. You control the pressure pushing against the ball. Whether you like a hurts-so-good sensation or more gentle pressure, your muscles will thank you.

The coolest new gadget I found at this year’s IDEA convention was theTiger Ball…a ball massage on a rope. Now, you don’t have to worry about the ball slipping! It’s perfect for busting out knots, trigger poitns, and sore muscles in the back, shoulders, legs, and other spots that want deep pressure.

2. Make The Beastie Your Bestie

Rumble RollerThis 3” ball, called the “Beastie” has firm but flexible bumps gets into nooks and crannies where you didn’t even know muscles were hiding. Try this for a mid-day relaxation break: Place the Beastie on  your wall and move your back up, down, and around on top of it. Ahh…instant calm. :)

3. Smooth on the oil, smooth off the tension

Oil massage is considered a preventive in ayurvedic medicine. It is designed to tone the skin, smooth the muscles, stimulate circulation of blood and the lymphatic system, leaving your body feeling wonderfully sleek and alive. Sesame seed oil, olive oil, almond oil, or coconut oil may be used. If you’re buying a prepared massage oil, make sure it has one of these oils as the main ingredient. When I have time, I like to blend sesame and almond oil and add a bit of essential oil such as frankincense, lavender, or eucalyptus for a “scent”-sational massage.

Start your self-massage standing up.  For best results, leave the oil on your body for at least ninety minutes before showering off. I like to do this massage just after a shower in the evening. I towel off the excess oil, put on my comfortable nightclothes, and enjoy the lingering sensations and relaxing scents before going to bed. The oil is completely absorbed by the time I climb into the sheets 

Unlike in Swedish massage, the hands do not knead or dig deeply into the muscles in an oil massage. Instead, the palms remain flat and are brushed, or drawn, evenly over the skin with only moderate pressure, as though you were smoothing wrinkles from a bed sheet.

In the ayurvedic tradition, oil massage is often done at a brisk tempo that can actually be aerobic if done for thirty minutes or more. But I like to do it at a slow, steady pace that allows time to enjoy the sensations. Feel free to linger over an area for greater stimulation. Try spending extra time on your ankles, wrists, backs of the knees, or any area that feels especially good.


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Mango Mambo Smoothie Recipe

by Kathy Smith

Mango Mambo Smoothie Recipe

The truth is, being ageless is all about having energy. In our over-stimulated, tired-and-wired world, our natural rhythms of vibrancy can easily be lost. Interestingly enough, I notice that if I take a few minutes in the morning to whip up a vitality-boosting protein shake and move my body, I dramatically improve my stamina for the day.

Check out Mango Mambo below… a quick, simple, and energizing smoothie recipe from my 2 Week Jumpstart Program. This protein smoothie will not only help you balance your blood sugar, but it will pick up your energy and help avoid the afternoon slump!

The 2 Week Jumpstart Program is a 14-day meal plan and workout program to help you lose weight and feel energized! The program has everything you need to be successful.

- 40 vitality-boosting recipes and a step-by-step meal plan to recover your vitality.

- 3 complete walking workouts to ignite your brain and find your mojo!

- 6-minute fluid stretching video to recharge your day, feel confident and lift brain fog.

For all your loving support this summer, I’m giving away this new program away FREE WITH ALL ORDERS!

frullato di frutta mango sfondo grigio

Mango Mambo Smoothie – Serves 1


1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 cup unsweetened almond milk or unsweetened coconut milk

1/2 cup frozen mango chunks

1 tablespoon flaxseed oil or Omega-3 fish oil supplement



Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until completely smooth.


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Introducing a Workout Designed by… You!

by Kathy Smith

Introducing a Workout Designed by… You!

Screenshot 2015-01-05 11.44.51

One of the most efficient exercises to burn fat and calories doesn’t require any equipment. Interval training (also known as High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT) can be practiced while walking down the street (or treadmill!), while riding your bike, or hiking the trails. And, it gets you fitter in less time.

Interval training combines short bursts of extra effort with normal activity over the course of several minutes and it can help you create flat abs and a healthier, leaner, more confident you. It supercharges your metabolism!

It’s easy to create your own interval training workout. The key to making 10-minute sessions of burst training work for you, is to make sure you have enough intensity. The Tabata Protocol is a common example of high intensity interval training. In the early 1990s, Professor Izumi Tabata trained the Japanese speed skating team, and he instructed them to do 20 seconds of all-out, fast-as-you-can-go intense activity followed by a 10-second rest period, and then repeated the cycle eight times. The whole workout took only four minutes, but the improvements in endurance were impressive.

The Tabata Protocol is the standard for high intensity interval training technique, but you don’t have to take it to that level to get the fat burning benefits. Determine your own level of intensity where you’re pushing as hard as you can. I like to visualize different faces to describe different intensity levels:

▪   When you’re at 60–75% of your maximum, you’ve got a happy face. Most of your long, slow training is in this range. At this level, you feel great, you’re relaxed and you can keep going for a long time.

▪  At 75–85%, that smile flattens to a look of determination. You’re not talking. You’re focused on your mission and entering warrior mode.

▪  At 85–95% you’re giving near-maximum effort with a battle-cry face. You can just barely keep this up for a few minutes.

Alternating between your happy face and battle-cry face is the essence of interval training, and it will transcend the calorie-blasting limits of what you thought your body was capable of.

As you continue your interval training, you’ll expand the time you spend at battle-cry. You’ll also see an improvement in your endurance on the days when you do longer, slower workouts. In fact, to get the best results from your 10-minute HIIT exercises, it’s important to not do them more than three times a week. This gives your body adequate time to recover, will help you avoid plateaus, and the variety will keep you interested in exercising.

My NEW HIIT Kit can help you quickly get from happy  face to battle-cry and the trim and toned results you want.


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Green Machine Smoothie

by Kathy Smith

natural drink smoothie with avocado and yogurt


  • 1 C. broccoli
  • 1 1/2 C. cold water
  • 1 leaf kale
  • 1 C. arugula
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 juiced lemon


  1. Put all ingredients into a blender.
  2. Add more water as needed.
Best if served cold.


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