Ask Gilad

Posts in the Wellness category

This Week's Ask Gilad: Suggestions For Slow Metabolism and Burning Fat

Welcome to "Ask Gilad" - a weekly blog written by Fitness Hall of Fame member Gilad.  Thanks for reading.

Question: I have a tough time speeding up my metabolism and burn fat. Do you have any suggestions? 

gilad professional pictureAnswer:

 Many have the same problem. One thing most could do more of and will help is to build muscle. At rest muscles burn fat.  Make sure the weights you're using are not too light. You should feel a slight burn after each set. If you can't keep your form all the way through the set, the weights are too heavy. Find a middle ground. -Gilad


Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

This Week's Ask Gilad: Commitment Issues With Your Fitness Routine: How to Stay On Track


I'm having a hard time staying committed. What can I do?


The number one thing I see is that people are setting unrealistic goals. Not reaching your goal is one of the most demotivating factors that can causes commitment issues.

Set one small goal that you can achieve, then do that again. Achieving a goal small or large is evenly satisfying and gets you motivated to keep going. Selecting activities you enjoy is also important for motivation.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

This Week's Ask Gilad: Advice for Post Surgery Weight Gain

Welcome to "Ask Gilad" - a weekly blog written by Fitness Hall of Fame member Gilad.  Thanks for reading.

Question: "I need help! I use to be able to do multiple VHS tapes of yours years ago. I have had a multitude of surgeries so I've stopped working out and as a result have gained 40lbs. I am now able to start a program of exercise & diet control. I can't work out vigorously but I can at least get my heart rate above my resting heart rate. What advice can you share?"


Best thing of course would be to start back up nice and slow. Let the body get back into the groove before you go to the next level and always take it one step at a time!

In regards to DVD's that could help you at this point I would suggest the 'Beginners Weight Loss and Toning Program', 'Sculpt and Tone' and even 'Step and Tone'. All are easy to follow and suited for the level you are describing here. Wishing you a safe and consistent comeback!  


Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


Question:  I started an exercise program last week and I can't see any improvement.  How will I know when it is working?


There are several things to look for to see if your fitness level is improving.  Often when you are in the middle of something it is difficult to see the small changes that are occurring.  That's why record-keeping can really help you.  It gives you written proof of the improvements that are happening.  Keep a notebook documenting your exercise sessions.  Include facts like when you exercised, for how long, what you did, how far you went, how fast, how you felt, how much weight you lifted and how many times, what stretching exercises you did, etc.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


Question: I like to work out with weights but afterwards I tighten up.  I need to work on my flexibility and I know that means stretching.  Do you have any tips for me about flexibility training?

Answer: The most important part of flexibility training is stretching each muscle within the limits of comfort.  Forcing a stretch, or over-stretching a muscle beyond what it can comfortably do actually causes the muscle to contract in order to protect itself from being torn.  This is the opposite of what you want to achieve.  You want the muscle to lengthen, expand and relax in a stretch.

Pay attention to your breathing as you stretch.  Don't hold your breath while stretching.  If you exhale and inhale rhythmically, trying to relax into the stretch, you will stretch deeper and further. 


Stay within the limits of comfort.
Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


Question:  You are always stressing the importance of good nutrition to go along with your exercise regimen.  What kind of diet do you recommend to go along with regular exercise?


 I would have to write a book to fully answer this question.  And the truth of the matter is, "I have!".  It is titled the 'Eat Right Now' nutritional program and it is available on my website.
But to sum it up, making a commitment to eating nutritional foods is a far cry from putting yourself on a diet, and it will bring much better results without any deprivation.  While dieting or denying yourself food is a negative step, committing to eating nutritious foods is a positive step.  Once the commitment to good eating is made the benefits follow naturally and easily.


Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Overcoming Setbacks

Question: I was really making progress with my fitness program and then I got distracted for a couple of weeks. I gained back 6 pounds and now I am so discouraged with myself that I am finding it hard to start again.  How do you get over these setbacks?

Answer: Don't forget to encourage yourself.  It is easy to overlook our small successes and not give ourselves the credit we deserve.  Congratulate yourself for all those small changes and successful steps.  And if you don't achieve your goal right away don't give in to discouragement, because of change, large or small, is never an easy process.  There are always pitfalls along the way.  If you can't follow your fitness program for a day or a week for whatever reason, don't feel guilty about it.  Let it go and start fresh the next day.  Allow yourself the benefit of being able to start again.  Do not wallow in self-criticism or harsh self-judgment...and don't let anything make you give up your goal.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Simple VS Complex Carbs

Question: What is the difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates?

Answer: Simple carbohydrates are the ones that should be avoided.  They are sugars that are converted too rapidly into glucose and absorbed by the blood.  This gives us an immediate shot of energy followed by a sudden fall in energy.  Simple carbohydrates include sweets like candy, cookies and desserts and also anything made with white flour, including sandwiches made with white bread, white rice, flour tortillas, etc.  You may notice that after a lunch of a sandwich on a French roll, an hour later you suddenly feel tired.  That's because white flour has almost the same effect on the bloodstream as straight table sugar.

Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are made up of starches and fibres, and break down into glucose very slowly.  In doing so they can provide a consistent supply of energy for sustained periods of time rather than suddenly and all at once.  Complex carbohydrate foods tend to be low in fat, high in fiber and loaded with essential vitamins and minerals.

Foods high in complex carbohydrates include:
Vegetables:  In salads and soups as well as raw an cooked vegetables and potatoes
Whole grains:  bread, pasta, cereals made from whole grains (not processed), brown rice.
Legumes:  Fresh and dried beans peas and lentils.
Seeds and nuts:  Eat in moderation because these are high in fat.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Counting Calories

Question: Is counting calories a good way to lose weight?

Answer: I, personally don't count calories...but I do believe that you should be knowledgeable about calories. If you understand that calories are not created equal it can steer you in the right direction when you are deciding what to eat. Some foods are rich in calories and poor in nutrients and others are just the opposite.

For example: An average breakfast muffin has about 720 calories but since it is probably made with white flour it has very little nutritional value.  On the other hand, for just under 720 calories you could eat this entire list of foods that are loaded with health promotingnutrients:  2 whole wheat roles, 1 pear, 1 apple, 5 ounces of grapes, half of a papaya, one kiwi fruit, ½ cantaloupe and a half of a  About 710 calories!
Which would you rather eat?  The choice is yours.


Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Exercise Results

Question: I started an exercise program last week and I can't see any improvement. How will I know when it is working?

Answer: There are several things to look for to see if your fitness level is improving. Often when you are in the middle of something it is difficult to see the small changes that are occurring. That's why record-keeping can really help you. It gives you written proof of the improvements that are happening. Keep a notebook documenting your exercise sessions.  Include facts like when you exercised, for how long, what you did, how far you went, how fast, how you felt, how much weight you lifted and how many times, what stretching exercises you did, etc.

Look for the following signs of improvement:
  1. Increase in endurance: The ability to train for a longer period of time without becoming exhausted.
  2. Increase in strength: The ability to lift more weight or perform more repetitions without becoming exhausted.
  3. Increase in flexibility: The ability to perform stretches with more range than before.
  4. Decrease in body fat: A leaner look. Previous areas of fat deposits such as love-handles, thighs and buttocks shrinking and muscles beginning to show through.
  5. Improvement in appearance and health: You will feel it and know it. It is an unmistakable feeling.


Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Stay in Touch


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