Ask Gilad

Bone Building Exercises

Question: Do you have any exercises that you can recommend for bone building?

Answer: The best exercises you can do for bone building are resistance exercises with weights. Outside of some of my DVD's such as 'sculpt and tone' 'cuts and curves' I would highly recommend getting into the gym and incorporate free weights into your regiment.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


Question: I have been doing your aerobic workouts (the TV shows) for about 3 months now and like the results. However, I think I am ready for the next step. What do you suggest?

Answer: I suggest you mix it up a little. Jog, ride a bicycle, even start doing some weight training. This is what is referred to as cross-training. I find that cross-training is the best way to balance a good workout program. It eliminates the typical 'burnout' or 'boredom' syndrome of doing one single activity over and over. It is also more versatile and therefore easier for anyone with a busy schedule. It keeps your fitness activities more healthy, fun and alive. It also allows your body more rest between repetitions of the same activity.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


Question: Why do we crave foods that aren't good for us?

Answer: That is a complex question with many different answers based on each individual. Let's just look at one all encompassing answer for now...advertising. We have been exposed to advertising our entire lives. We have seen so many commercials and print ads that advertise fast foods, sugar, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages that they have to affect us. They show beautiful people with beautiful bodies photographed in exotic locations holding in their hands cans know the rest. 

What's wrong with this picture? Obviously, the ads are not telling the whole truth. You can be sure that those beautiful bodies are not regularly eating and drinking what they are advertising. They are professional models and they get paid to glamorize the consumption of certain products. You will never see an ad showing an intoxicated driver coming out of his wrecked car holding a beer can in his hand and telling you to "Go for it!".
Let's face it...we have all been programmed by a lifetime of advertising.  Fight it and you will reap the benefits.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Is Steak Bad For You?

Question: I love meat....but I love fruits and vegetables too. I trim as much fat as I can from my steak whenever I eat it. If you make an effort to eat your steak as lean as possible, is it still bad for you?

Answer: You have probably heard that all calories are not created equal. It's true. Calories from fat are actually more fattening than calories from other sources. Carbohydrates and proteins (including fat-free steak) both weigh in at only 4 calories per gram while fats weigh in at a whopping 9 to 11 calories per gram! (Please note that it is impossible to trim ALL of the fat off of steak.) This means that you are getting 2 ½ times more calories from fat than from equal amounts of carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables) or protein. As you can see, it is a lot smarter to get your calories from carbohydrates. Not only can you eat more with less calories to worry about, but the calories you get from carbohydrates are a lot more efficient and easily used by the body. 

So keep trimming as much fat as you can from your steak and consider substituting fish or skinless chicken more often...and don't be afraid to eat large servings of vegetables.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Avoiding Sugar

Question: I am making a concerted effort to avoid sugar. I have quit drinking soda and I avoid ice cream, candy, cookies and all other pastries. Are there any other sources I should be aware of?

Answer: First of all, good job! You seem to be avoiding the main culprits. But most people don't realize how much sugar they are getting from other sources. Sugar is the number one additive in processed foods. It is used in bread, catsup, crackers, cereals, spaghetti sauce, bouillon cubes, non-dairy creamers, cured name it. AND, it goes by many hidden names such as fructose, dextrose, honey, maple or corn syrup, molasses, etc....  Watch for these names on ingredient lists.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Running For Exercise

Question: I want to start running to lose weight. My knees and joints are in good shape but I am uncomfortably overweight. Any suggestions?

Answer: If you are a beginner to exercising, or if you are more than 15 pounds overweight, you do not want to go outside and just start running. In fact, I would suggest that you go outside and start walking instead. Walking and running can produce the exact same cardiovascular benefits and will burn the same number of calories. The only difference is that with walking, you have to be out there longer. Runners can have a great workout in half an hour, while walkers would probably have to walk briskly for about an hour to get the same results.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Stress Relief Tips

Question: I have issues with stress. I never want to get out of bed in the morning and I toss and turn at night. I am a mess at work and I never seem to be able to motivate myself to exercise. Any advice would be helpful.

Answer: There are a lot of things you can do to relieve stress. You can exercise regularly, drink less coffee, but let us explore one of the major factors in stress relief. One of the best coping devices for stress is lots of rest. I am often surprised at how many people I meet who say they are tired all the time, and then tell me that they get only 5 or 6 hours of sleep each night. They don't believe they need any more.

Every person is different but most studies indicate that the average person needs between 7 an 8 hours of sleep per night. But remember, quality of sleep is more important than quantity.  If you are waking up every hour or so during the night because of noise or other disturbances, and you have trouble getting back to sleep you are probably going to feel tired the next day even if you were in bed for nine hours the night before. Try to find a sleeping area in your house that is free from disturbances like light, noise and movement so that you can get continual quality of sleep.
And maybe the best advice I can give to turn off your phone. Resist the urge to go on-line and check your email. They are finding that activities of this nature can be extremely disruptive to your sleep.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Weight Training For Women

Question: I love to do aerobic exercise but am considering taking up weight training. I am a little worried about getting muscle-bound and I don't think that looks good on a woman. How can I get the benefits of weight training without the masculine look?

Answer: You are talking about strength training.  This means using barbells, dumbbells, resistance machines and your own body weight to increase your muscle strength. Years ago, weight training was considered 'men's exercise', but that myth no longer applies. Women who weight train - and I am not referring to body builders per se - have discovered that working with weights makes them slimmer, firmer, stronger and more attractive-looking than just doing aerobic exercise alone.

And it doesn't take long.  Most people who take up weight training start seeing very noticeable differences in their bodies in 6 to 10 weeks. 


Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Cool Down Versus Aerobic Cool Down

Question: What is the difference (if any) between an aerobic cool-down and a general cool-down?





Answer: The cool-down routine is designed to allow your heart rate to gradually decrease after aerobic exercise. This routine is important for the health of your heart and will also actively stretch some of the muscles used during exercise.
Following an aerobic workout, whether it's walking, running, or high or low impact aerobics, it is necessary to continue working aerobically at a significantly reduced level to allow your heart rate to come down slowly. This is what is known as the aerobic cool-down. It should be followed by the general cool-down which stretches the major muscle groups.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


Question: How long will it take me to get into shape?


  If you are committed to a program and really work at it you can achieve noticeable results in six short weeks, good results in twelve weeks and excellent results in six months. 
The most important thing to remember is to let go of the idea that you can accomplish your goal faster if you take a short cut such as a crash diet or working twice as hard as your body can handle in its present condition.  In fact, those are two sure ways to put you right into the 'roller coaster' club of those who gain, lose, gain, lose and so on

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

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