Fit Forever with Kathy!

Posts in the fitness category

Flat Abs Are Calling!

by Kathy Smith

Take pride in your midsection, and make it the focal point of your routine this week. Not just because your abs will look a lot better, but because if your core is unhealthy, it will compromise the health of your entire system. It’s the place where all movement is initiated, and the source of your body’s deepest powers. It’s also the factor that determines whether you move freely and with ease, or whether you’re weighed down by aches and pains. A strong core makes everything easier…each bike ride, run, and walk.

Remember, having flat abs isn’t just about vanity. Extra weight around your tummy triggers greater amounts of inflammation, putting your body at an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes.

By adding metabolic acceleration to your routine, you burn more belly fat than with a standard routine. Why the great results with metabolic acceleration? The word ‘metabolic’ translates to the breaking down of food into energy. During metabolic bursts, you burn more calories working at peak levels, alternating between active rest periods. The added benefit is the residual calorie burn after the workout—referred to as the EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption).

As your cells continue to need more oxygen, they are increasing your caloric expenditure and working harder after the workout. There’s a buzz around Metabolic acceleration, since it’s being used in programs such as CrossFit, P90X, and Tabata training. These metabolic workouts push you out of your comfort zone… and that’s when change starts to happen…in your workouts, your body, and your weight.
Let’s get started with this 1-min metabolic acceleration warm up!


Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

Don’t Resist The Resistance Bands!

by Kathy Smith

What’s long, can stretch from head to toe, and will help you look fab in your summer tanks? That’s right…a resistance band!  You already know that they’re one of the best ways to increase your strength, because they’re inexpensive, small enough to travel with, and they make it easy to target specific muscle groups.

But what you might not know is that unlike dumbbells, tubes also provide what’s called linear variable resistance. Basically, this means that as you increase a move’s range of motion, the tension of the elastic also intensifies.
Imagine you’re doing a bicep curl. As you curl your arms up to a ninety-degree angle, the resistance provided by the tube gets stronger. Because the tube is made out of elastic, it provides more workload as it stretches. This can’t be done with dumbbells or other forms of free-weights.
Another reason linear variable resistance is so beneficial is because the elastic tubing better mimics the way a muscle’s strength changes throughout a movement. Until a certain point, most muscles increase in strength over the range of motion. For example, during a bicep curl, the muscle is weakest at the beginning, and at the halfway point the muscle is the most strong.

When you perform a bicep curl with a dumbbell, you’re limited to how much tension you can use based off of how strong your muscle is at the weakest point. This hinders the strongest part of your muscles from receiving adequate training.

But, try this same bicep curl with a tube, and the workload increases as the strength of your muscle increases.
Moral of the story…don’t resist the resistance tube!

To get started, try this 5-minute video designed to strengthen your lower body with a tube!


Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

Tropical Dream Protein Shake Recipe

by Kathy Smith

  • 8 oz unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 serving vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 Cup frozen pineapple or mango
  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 handful dark, leafy greens

Blend all ingredients together and enjoy 

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

3 Eating Habits For A Healthy Gut

by Kathy Smith

1 – Go For The Big O…Organic

If you’re going to eat meats and dairy put those foods in your diet, they’ve got to be organic! Get the antibiotics out of the food chain as quickly as you can. I’m a huge fan of a plant-based diet. I think there’s many, many reasons we should eat low on the food chain. Namely, the lower you eat on the food chain, the less toxins you get in your food.

2 – Fermented Gets An A+

You mentioned fermented foods. Huge fan. We’ve been fermenting foods since the dawn of food preparation. It wasn’t until we developed widespread refrigeration that we really stopped fermenting our food in homes. And, so, we’ve got to get back to that. We need to start doing our own home fermentation. Incredibly, get wild ferments from the air around your house, reduce your allergy loads, etc., etc. So, wild fermentation’s really great bonus to put back into your food. It only takes a couple of tablespoons of fermented calories with your sauerkraut or sour reuben with your turnips or whatever you’re doing. These are just amazingly powerful ways to get complexity and biodiversity back into your diet.

3 – Eat The Rainbow

And, then, incorporate as much color as you can in your in your diet – more fruit, vegetables, etc. And, of course, many of us in the medical field are now turning to juicing as a powerful way to increase that nutrient load. With juicing, of course, you can get a couple of grocery bags worth of fruits and vegetables into just a few glasses of contents that you compound as an enormous volume. Since each piece of fruit is less dense, you’ve got to eat more of it and juicing is an easy way get that massive volume of fruits and vegetables in. So, for my critically ill patients, they’re juicing a large volume.

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

Don’t Do Another Crunch Until You Try This 1 Move For Lean Abs

by Kathy Smith

You can stop with the crunches! I may be exaggerating – but there’s still a kernel of truth to this. Traditional crunches have their value - they’re great for helping to define the abdominal muscles, especially the rectus abdominus (the part of our abs that can form the ‘six pack’). But there are several effective exercises for strengthening the core that are completely crunch-free. Today, I’ll show you one move takes the ab-sculpting power of the reverse crunch and turns it on its side by providing an additional oblique rotational challenge…. 

Windshield Wipers:

How to do it:

  • Start on your back, with your hands on the floor for support and legs lifted up off the floor.
  • Using your core muscles to support you and protect your lower back, keep your knees over your hips as you slowly drop both knees to the right side, forming a 45-degree angle with the floor. Then, fire up your obliques as you drive your knees back to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side.


  • Start with a limited range of motion. To start out, just take your legs a few inches to one side and then use your abdominals to bring them back to center.
  • If you feel any pressure on your back, bring your knees closer to your chest as you rock side to side.


  • Add an extension: So as you rotate, extend your legs to straight. Then bend them back to a 90-degree angle as you return to the starting position.



By Collage Video | | Abs, exercise, fitness, goals, Kathy Smith, practice, Weekly Blog | 0 comments | Read more


by Kathy Smith


Full workout here!

THIS IS YOGA FOR INFLEXIBLE PEOPLE. So you don’t think you’re flexible? You’re not alone! There are reasons why you may be less bendy…from genetics, to how cold it is outside, to your age.

But just because you haven’t passed the Flexibility 101 course doesn’t mean you should rule yoga out of your practice.

Today, I want to guide you through a 5 minute gentle yoga video routine for inflexible people to help you feel more peaceful, have a better sleep tonight, and yes…improve your flexibility 

The good news is, you don’t even have to be able to touch your toes to do these poses.

Today’s video is a clip from my newly-released video, YOGA BASICS: GENTLE YOGA!

Own it on DVD HERE!

Product Description:

If you want to feel the revitalizing benefits of yoga, this DVD is the place to start! This complete experience includes both standing and floor poses to help you release tension, improve flexibility, increase core strength, and create space and tranquility in your body. As you start to link fluid movement with breath, you’ll discover for yourself yoga’s time-honored power to restore the balance of mind and body.

Clear and effective 55-minute routine gives the beginner a complete yoga foundation; Floor poses to increase flexibility, especially in the lower back; Standing poses to build strength and improve alignment; Breathing techniques for more energy and vitality; Guided relaxation session to dissolve unwanted stress; Developed with Rod Stryker, one of the country’s leading yoga instructors and lecturers; Easy-to-follow. The DVD contains: Floor poses; Standing poses; Guided relaxation.

Kathy says “Welcome to my Timeless Collection! I hope you’ll enjoy these DVDs containing my favorite and most memorable workouts from the past. What was great then is still effective today, and I think you’ll agree that this transformative workout is indeed timeless!”

This Yoga routine includes:

  • Floor poses: 22 minutes
  • Standing poses: 22 minutes
  • Guided relaxation: 10 minutes
  • Total workout: Approx. 55 minutes

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

TIGHTEN The Lower Belly Pooch

by Kathy Smith

NEW Formula To TIGHTEN The Lower Belly Pooch  (VIDEO!)

The elusive toned lower tummy can be a challenge to achieve as you age. So if it seems as if no matter how much training you do and your lower-belly pooch won’t tighten, here’s why… Changes in your hormones encourage extra calories to make a beeline for your belly, where they’re then stored as fat.

When it comes to losing the pooch, the solution is a two-part equation. The first step is to tone the stuff you can cinch (muscle), and the next step is to burn the stuff you can pinch (fat).

Remember, when you’re trying to tighten your lower abs, not all strengthening moves are created equal. The truth is, most routines fall short when trying to reach those tough-to-get-to muscles in the lower part of the tummy.

Today, I’ll  show you a BRAND NEW video with a few moves that I learned in NYC this week that hit that sweet spot in the lower part of your torso. In fact, I’m challenging you to incorporate this effective barre-style workout combo into your ab routine 3 times this week!

Ready to say “see ya” to those Spanx? The moves in this new video will leave your abdominals feeling tight, toned and strong…

Part two in the slim-abs equation is to burn the fat that tends to creep around your midsection as you age.

Listen to this…a study from the University of Vermont tested 178 women ages 20-60, each within a healthy weight range. Results showed that the oldest participant had 55% more abdominal fat than the youngest!
We all have two types of fat… subcutaneous, which is underneath the skin, and visceral fat,which is marbled through the organs and muscles (that’s the most dangerous type). The best way to get rid of both kinds is is to keep your body guessing and strike a balance between moderately-paced workouts, and HIIT workouts.

Here’s day-by-day calendar of what workout to do each day to supercharge your results and incinerate tummy fat before summer!

Sunday – hiking or interval walking
Monday – yoga
Tuesday – circuit training
Wednesday – wild card
Thursday – pilates
Friday – strength training
Saturday – spinning

Wednesday is the “Wild Card” day because your freebie day – not you “day off” from exercising, but a day to do anything and everything you might want. That might mean an exciting new class, whether it’s dancing or indoor rowing – or it might mean another day of cardio, strength training, yoga, or pilates, depending on what my body needs, and what will “surprise” it. On my Wild Card day this week, I tried Bergen’s Cardio Fusion class at Exhale in NYC. This 45-minute class was an intense mix of kickboxing and plyometric moves, high-intensity intervals…it definitely got my heart pumping! Sweat factor: 5/5.

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | fitness, goals, Kathy Smith, Motivation, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

Cardio That Boosts Your Buns

by Kathy Smith

Full workout available here

If you want to add shape to your rear while blasting calories with cardio, the perfect bun-boosting workout for you is just a kick away.

Kickboxing routines pack in a quadruple-punch, because they incinerate calories while tightening strengthening your glutes, abs and arms! Because kickboxing includes a variety of different kicks… high, side, front and back, all the muscles in your buns will feel the burn.

It’s time to get into knockout shape with this 5-minute booty-focused kickboxing workout! I developed this routine (from the Cardio Knockout DVD) with five time Martial Arts US World Champion, Keith Cooke to ensure true-to-form martial arts moves.

Click Here To Order 

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

Push Reset With Breath of Fire

by Kathy Smith

If you were to search for the life force in your body—if you wanted proof of life—it would be your breath. You can breathe hard, as you do when you’re exercising, or quietly as when you sleep; you can breathe consciously or unconsciously, but your breath is a rhythm that never stops.

In a physical sense, the breath delivers oxygen, our body’s most constant requirement. But in psychic terms, breath also is a conduit of emotions, of sexual vitality—of everything that we call spirit. In addition to keeping us alive and vital, the breath creates a connection between our outer environment and our inner self.

I remember my first experiences years ago with a breathing technique called BREATH OF FIRE! With its emphasis on breath, it’s both energizing and calming. It taught me to focus on the moment-to-moment experience of opening my body.

After a few minutes, I experienced a wave of relaxation, openness, and pleasure. Physically, I felt looser, disentangled, calm.

Today, push the reset button as I guide you through the basics of breath of fire, and 2 awakening moves that use the technique…

This rapid nasal breathing “fires” you up and stimulates metabolic processes. Breathing only through the nose, pull your navel toward your lower back to create the exhale. Then soften your belly and let the inhale come naturally. Pulse the exhales rapidly, relaxing between each exhale to let the air flow back in.

***Women with an IUD should not do Breath of Fire.***


1. Lie on your back.

2. Place the soles of your feet together, heels a few inches from your pubic bone, with your knees bent out to the side like butterfly wings.

3. Place your palms on your belly and take several long breaths into your palms.

Benefits: Frees hips, stretches adductor muscles, and improves circulation through hips.

Beginning Modification: Place a pillow under each knee for support.

Advanced Modification: While in Butterfly, add one minute of Breath of Fire. (Breath of Fire: Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, with an emphasis on a strong exhale as you draw your navel in toward your spine.)

Mental Focus:
The way you begin your practice sets the tone for the rest of the journey. An opening posture such as this allows you to start your practice quietly and provides a chance to let go of your usual daily concerns, to draw your energy and awareness inward, and to become centered. This, in turn, allows you to move deeper into your own body’s intelligence and benefit more greatly from your practice.


Movement Focus: Power spirals in spine; navel moves into spine.

Time: Two minutes.

1. Lie down on your back.

2. Lift your shoulder blades and legs two inches up from the floor, keeping your chin tucked in.

3. Curl your pubic bone toward your navel and reach your arms toward your feet, parallel to the floor.

4. Start Breath of Fire as you move your arms up and down three inches, synchronized with your breath. (Breath of Fire: Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, with an emphasis on a strong exhale as you draw your navel in toward your spine.)

5. Keep your shoulder blades off the floor while pressing your navel to your lower back, and your lower back into the floor.

Benefits: Total core empowerment.

Beginning Modification: Bend your knees and place both feet on the floor, hip distance apart, eight inches away from your sitbones.

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, Healthy, Kathy Smith, practice, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

12-Minute Yoga

by Kathy Smith

This laid-back routine routine includes gentle poses to help you release tension, improve flexibility, increase core strength, and create space and tranquility in your body. As you start to link fluid movement with breath, you’ll discover for yourself yoga’s time-honored power to restore the balance of mind and body…even during the weekend!

So before you spend the day lounging outside with friends and family, press play on this video to free your body from stress and tension.

Remember to soak in this much-anticipated weekend, because summer won’t last much longer!

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, Kathy Smith, practice, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

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