Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews

6 Steps to Weight Loss Over 50

by Suzanne Andrews

Has the dreaded "middle age spread" added inches to your waistline? If so, you're not alone. Sedentary jobs and slowing metabolisms cause many middle-aged individuals to gain weight.
It can be discouraging to find that the foods you ate in your youth without a second thought are now making the scale creep higher and higher. But you don't have to take it sitting down! Here are some effective weight loss tips for people over the age of 50.

   1. Skip the crash diets.
When you were younger, your hormones did a lot to keep you healthy. After the age of 50, you will need to focus on good nutrition to get the same effect. Avoid starving yourself or limiting your diet too strictly.

You need vitamins and minerals now more than ever. Eat a variety of colorful vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products.

Increase your fiber intake to at least 30 grams a day for optimal digestive health. Dehydration can lead to stiff joints, aches and pains, so make sure you're drinking 64 oz of water each day as well.

   2. Protect your bones.
Calcium deficiency can lead to a loss of bone density and full-blown osteoporosis. Generally Men and Women over 50 and men require 1,500 mg of calcium daily to stave off the loss of bone density. 

IMPORANT TIP:  Vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption. Men over 50 and postmenopausal women require 400-800 i.u. of vitamin D every day. At the age of 65, this requirement increases to 600 - 800 i.u. per day.

   3. Combine cardio exercise with strength training.
Cardio exercise will strengthen your heart and lungs and keep your joints supple. Strength training exercises counteract muscle and bone deterioration, and can prevent fractures at vulnerable sites like the wrists and hips.
Ideally, adults over 50 should engage in weight-bearing cardio exercises, such as walking or dancing, for 20 - 30 minutes, 4 - 5 times a week. They should also do strength-training exercises 3 times a week.
The appropriate amount of exercise varies according to each individual's level of wellness and fitness. I find that starting my day with a workout sets me up to stay on course the rest of the day.  While it's not' always easy to get up early, the good health results are worth it. 
If you've been diagnosed with low bone mass (osteopenia), get your doctor's approval before doing exercises that require you to bend or twist your spine. That's why in the Get Stronger Bones DVD all the exercises are osteoporosis safe and done at the correct speed for building bone density.


   4. Take injuries seriously.
Injuries can affect anyone at any age, but older adults need to take steps to ensure that a simple strain doesn't turn into something more serious.
Exercise is an important part of a healthy weight loss routine, so you don't want an injury to keep you on the sidelines. Exercising too is not recommended and it doesn't produce the best results as your working momentum more than muscle!
If you experience acute pain during or after a workout, take a break and assess the injury. A strained muscle might require a few days of rest, massage, gentle stretching, and an anti-inflammatory medicine like ibuprofen.
Sore joints might need rest, anti-inflammatory medicines ad  any bone injury should be looked at by a doctor. Also, if you have a disease that decreases your body's healing abilities or weakens your immune system, play it safe and go to your doctor for advice.

   5. Get plenty of rest.
Adequate sleep is important for many reasons. It allows your body to rest and renew itself, keeps stress hormones at a minimal level, and helps your muscles and joints
recover after a workout.
While insomnia is a common complaint among older people, it's not a normal part of the aging process.
If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, adding regular exercise to your daily routine can help. Daily exposure to sunlight has also been linked to improved sleep quality.
If you think you might need a sleep aid to help you sleep, try a natural alternative like yoga instead.  Yoga is great at helping people sleep better. Sleep aids make people forgetful and groggy the next day.

   6. Set realistic goals.
Weight loss is possible for people young and old, but the sad truth is that it might not happen as fast as you'd like once you reach a certain age.
Don't expect a rapid reduction in weight. Instead, set a goal of 1 pound per week. Keep a food and exercise journal to track the number of calories you consume and
burn each day.
If you're doing everything right and still not losing weight, talk to your doctor to find out if underlying health problems or medications could be interfering with your weight loss.

You can stop dieting, start eating and start living with Suzanne Andrews Functional Fitness DVDs!

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Baby Boomers: & Getting Fit

by Suzanne Andrews

If you're a baby boomer and practice a regular exercise routine, you're one of the twenty percent who do what the other eighty percent don't. If you're one of the eighty percent, you're about to find out several astounding motivational reasons to get a move on.

The number one reason you should exercise is people who do exercise don't need as many pills, machines, doctors, nurses, therapists, specialists, co-pays and prodders as people who don't exercise. If you don't like having all those hands on you at the airport, just wait until you get to the doctor's office. Eeesh!

Some biologists have said that aging has been programmed by evolution to avoid over population of the planet. By exercising you can decide to be one who sticks around longer and let somebody else de-populate for a change. From the age of 45-75 years with weekly adherence to a fitness program, a well preserved 65 year old can outperform a sedentary 25 year old.

As we get older, the tissues that comprise the heart, lungs, arteries and veins weaken. Exercising slows that deterioration by keeping higher levels of blood, oxygen and hormones flowing. Due to increased heart function, nutrients feed all your tissue cells so they can replace themselves instead of dying off and not being replaced.

A study was done for NASA in 1966 to find out the effects of prolonged space travel on humans. Five 20 year old men were assigned bed rest for 20 days. Their aerobic capacity was measured before and after the bed rest of 20 days. All experienced a dramatic loss in muscle tone and aerobic capacity. They became out of shape. After only 8 weeks of serious training all five were able to recover and even surpass their previous starting level of fitness. They got back into shape. Now if you are thinking "yeah, they were only twenty, I'm over fifty," the follow up study gives you food, or exercise, for thought.

The study was repeated 30 years later with the same five men now 50-51 years old. Baseline cardio and fitness levels were measured and were again assigned 20 days of bed rest to simulate "out of shape". Two entered a walking program, two did a jogging program and one chose bicycling. Their exercise programs were slowly increased to a level of intensity for 4 and 5 hours a week exactly like was done 30 years earlier for six months. Then it was time to re-measure their aerobic and cardiovascular fitness levels.

It is no surprise to report that all five middle aged subjects had restored their baseline fitness levels to what they were 30 years before as healthy 20 year olds. So if you think that exercise and fitness is for kids, think of yourself as a 20 year old with 45 years of experience!

Own Younger in 30 Days on DVD!

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

What You Need to Know About Talking to Yourself

by Suzanne Andrews

What words you tell yourself in your mind matters because they can have a strong influence over your goals.

Positive self-talk, coupled with the right attitude really can make things happen in life. The wrong attitude, however, combined with self-doubting dialogue, can stop you in your tracks and make you want to run home and hide.

This was never truer than one day when I was at a studio in a meeting with department heads and  the head producer said, "anyone have any ideas for a new show that’s unique?”

Well, I had an idea. Scanning the room, it was clear to me that we needed a health series that was for people over 40, but not just your typical weight loss or insane fitness moves show. So I raised my hand and said, “I think one of our challenges is the lack of evidenced based fitness shows available for people over 40.  Sure you have a show for 80 plus but what about the active boomers and seniors who aren’t ready for a rocking chair?

After sharing some facts and figures for the strong need of medically proven exercises that help heal specific conditions, I finished up and sat up in my seat a little bit straighter, proud that I’d made my case so strongly.

Then I waited for a reply. And waited . . . and waited.

That was when my confident pride faded to insecurity. Oh dear God, I thought. What have I done?

You could hear crickets. Rarely did this group not have an opinion. I felt insecure over having raised the issue that silenced the room. I then felt embarrassed, like I had either offended someone or that maybe I had tarnished the reputation I had been carefully building.

When the meeting adjourned, I didn’t engage in polite chitchat with the other members but headed straight to the door and hightailed it home to be alone with my self-destructive insecure thoughts.

While at home, I got a call from the general manager, “We’d like you to be our expert health and fitness guest on Healthy Lifestyles.”

After taping, the general manager asked, “how would you like your own show about what you shared in the meeting?”

In those moments, some critical light was shed on my self-talk. He made me realize how quickly I’d taken the others’ silence to mean that they were judging me when maybe they were just thinking and reflecting about something they’d never thought about before.

I was amazed by how automatically I’d conjured the worst-case scenario without even considering a best-case scenario. I realized that I needed to have more confidence in myself and write a new inner dialogue for when I’m feeling stressed or pressured, because the current one wasn’t helping.

Had I not gotten that phone call that evening, I would have drowned myself in my own miserable self-talk for weeks.

When I look back on the string of events, there’s no doubt that confidence has been a part of every step.

Now when you see my TV series, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews, know that is my way of helping you believe in your abilities and the feeling that you can rise to the occasion when the pressure is on.  No matter what you’re trying to achieve. Whether you want to fit into a dress for an important reunion, speak at an event or accomplish a life-long dream. You’re never too old, too large or too small to do anything!

What has sustained me is the functional ability to manage my confidence by substituting positive self-appraisals for those harmful, negative ones. I’m not perfect at this — I’m still a work in progress — but positive self-talk takes the same amount of time as negative talk and it feels a whole lot better!

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

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A Healthier You

by Suzanne Andrews

'Hospital floor or gym floor - where would you rather be?' That's what I ask my non-compliant patients who don't want to do their exercise therapy to make themselves better. 

We often think of medical expenses at a time when we are least capable of coping with them - when we're sick. With healthcare costs increasing, the sooner we plan for our health, the sooner we'll start planning a healthier life. That's what real health care is. The medical model we follow now is more like sick care. So what do we do as we face medical bills looming over us threatening to wipe out our savings?

According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute a man who retires at 65 can expect to live until 83. He will need to have around $65k to $109k in those years to cover insurance premiums and out of pocket expenses.

For women, the EBRI says retiring at 65 and living until 85 will mean she'll need $88k to $146k for insurance premiums and out of pocket expenses which works out to $366 to $608 a month. Both men and women will need these amounts on hand to provide a 50% chance of having enough to cover these expenses. If you're getting $1000 a month from Social Security these costs will eat up about 25% to 60% of those payments alone.

If you have managed to secure a considerable nest egg, good for you. If you haven't, it might be time get some part time work. Besides, retirement is boring. You know, all that rest and relaxation gets old pretty quick.

Here's a novel idea that can save you money on healthcare costs. According to the National Foundation for anti-aging, "most aging is premature." Poor posture, low energy, brittle bones are not aging, but a disease. Sitting around, also known as the Disuse Syndrome causes weakness, frailness and aging at a much faster rate. You can stay out of the health care merry-go-round much better with some good habits. And just how do you do that? Start an exercise program geared towards your needs, abilities or limitations. That means if you have limited mobility, seek seated exercise programs. If your knees are gone, ride a bike or do some gentle exercise programs. If you have asthma, don't take up hiking in the mountains. Start slow and take walks around the neighborhood. It's important to find something you enjoy because you're more likely to do it. The more you do it the healthier you get. If you have arthritis, do an exercise program especially for arthritis and limber up your joints and muscles.

Own Arthritis Relief Walking Workout!

You needn't strive to be an athlete. If you are just getting started, exercise will make you healthier. You'll have stronger muscles to lift things, denser bones to absorb shock from falls and a stronger heart to pump more blood and oxygen to all the organs in your body which makes them all work better. Pills, sometimes necessary, are not always an easy fix and can cause many undesirable side effects and mask the symptoms. Exercise can get to the root of the problem and eliminate the cause. There are countless examples of people who were taking a dozen pills a day that went down to 2, 3 or none a day because of regular exercise.

The healthier you are, the less likely it is you will have to employ the skills and costs of doctors, nurses, physical or occupational therapists and pharmacists for whatever ails you. They worked long and hard to acquire those skills and they can't afford to work cheap. You worked long and hard for your money and you can't afford to lose it all to Twinkies and watching TV. Planning for your health now is better than being a patient in a sick care plan.

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

The Quick Morning Hunger-Buster Smoothie

by Suzanne Andrews

This is an easy recipe that can be made in minutes, but it will satisfy you for hours to come. It serves up a whopping 6 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber per cup! Silken tofu adds a smooth texture and plenty of hunger-fighting protein, while the fiber from the apples and berries will keep your digestive system in top form.

The yogurt adds more protein, plus calcium.

What You'll Need:

  •    1 cup frozen mixed berries 
  •    1/2 banana 
  •    2 sweet apples, cored and sliced 
  •    1/2 cup silken tofu 
  •    1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt


  1. Combine berries, banana, apples, yogurt and tofu in blender.
  2. Blend on high speed for two minutes or until smooth.
This smoothie can be placed in a covered container and stored in the fridge for 3-4 days.

Bonus: Build Your Own Smoothie

You can create a custom smoothie recipe that perfectly suits your taste. Here's how:
Custom green smoothies can be made by taking your favorite dark leafy green vegetables (such as spinach, kale, or arugula) and combining them with your favorite sweet-tasting fruits (such as bananas, pears, or apples).

 Add a fruit or vegetable with high water content (such as cucumber or melon) for added hydration. Blend on high speed until smooth.

Hunger-busting smoothies can be created by mixing a few of your favorite fruits with a protein source (such as yogurt or silken tofu). Experiment until you find the mix that works best for you!

Suzanne Andrews Functional Fitness Tip: You can add powder supplements to any smoothie recipe for an extra dose of protein or fiber and protein helps to stabilize blood sugar and stave off hunger.

Suzanne Andrews
founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

The Vitamin C Monster Smoothie

by Suzanne Andrews

Smoothies have been all the rage for quite some time, but are they really beneficial to dieters? 

Smoothies help dieters maintain hydration, provide more fiber and vitamins than most foods, and provide plenty of natural fructose, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All of this comes in an easily-digestible form that delivers the nutrients quickly and efficiently.

Here is a delicious smoothie recipes that will help you start your morning with a burst of energy and keep feeling good all day long:

This yummy recipe is a favorite during cold and flu season. It's packed with vitamin C to help your body fight off illnesses. The antioxidants also help rid your body of free radicals that can lead to disease.

   What You'll Need:

  • 1 package fresh strawberries, leaves removed 
  • 2 ripe bananas, peeled and sliced 
  • 1 orange, peeled 
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries 
  • 1 kiwi, peeled and sliced 
  • 1 cup cantaloupe, cubed 
  • 2 ice cubes, crushed
  1. Peel all fruits and slice as directed. Crush the ice cubes.
  2. Place all ingredients in blender and blend on high power for two minutes, or until completely smooth and frothy.
  3. Add a little honey for more sweetness, if desired. Serve or drink immediately.

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

The Ultimate Green Smoothie

by Suzanne Andrews

Smoothies have been all the rage for quite some time, but are they really beneficial to dieters? 

Smoothies help dieters maintain hydration, provide more fiber and vitamins than most foods, and provide plenty of natural fructose, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  All of this comes in an easily-digestible form that delivers the nutrients quickly and efficiently.

Here is a delicious smoothie recipes that will help you start your morning with a burst of energy and keep feeling good all day long:

Green smoothies are packed with rejuvenating chlorophyll and antioxidants that kick the immune system into high gear.
This one delivers several servings of dark green veggies along with sweet-tasting fruits to please the palate. It also contains just enough healthy fat to help your body absorb and use the smoothie's many vitamins.

   What You'll Need:

  •   4 leaves of kale, de-stemmed 
  •   4 leaves of chard, de-stemmed 
  •   1/2  bunch of parsley 
  •   1 large aloe vera leaf 
  •   3 pears 
  •   1 ripe banana, peeled 
  •   1 avocado, peeled 
  •   3 cups of water


  1. Remove stems from kale and chard leaves.
  2. Peel banana and avocado. Remove seed from avocado
  3. Place ingredients in blender. Add 2 1/2 cups water.
  4. Blend for approximately two minutes, or until completely smooth.
  5. Drink and enjoy!

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Yoga & Weight Loss

by Suzanne Andrews


   How would you like to get rid of weight, aches, anxiety and stress from your life with easy, gentle mind body techniques?

   Yoga has become a prominent part of many popular workout routines. It's commonly touted as a cure for everything from stiff joints to breathing problems. But will yoga help you lose weight?

   Meditating seems counter-intuitive to someone who wants to build strength and shed pounds. But yoga has many qualities for weight loss that other programs miss. Here are some of the ways yoga can help you lose weight and increase your sense of well-being.

   Stress Releasing Yoga Burns Calories.

   Yoga puts you in touch with your body's needs. when you practice yoga, you learn to clear your mind of the distractions that prevent you from really listening to your body. By getting back in touch with your needs, you can learn to differentiate between hunger and cravings.

   The more you learn about your body and its amazing abilities, the more you will want to take care of it by avoiding junk food and radical diets.

     Yoga is a real stress-buster. By practicing mindful breathing and quiet meditation, you can bring your mind and body to a peaceful state. This decreases anxiety and can even reduce your body's production of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol sends our bodies into self-preservation mode, which translates to increased fat storage.

   Learn to relax and breathe during yoga and you will eventually learn to incorporate those skills into the rest of your life.

   Yoga Helps You Snooze to Lose

   By producing more lean muscle mass, yoga can help you burn more calories even at rest which a great way to speed up your weight loss.

   Yoga Makes You Mindful

   Perhaps one of the most valuable lessons yoga teaches us is the lesson of mindfulness. Yoga practitioners learn how to be "in the moment", focusing on their breathing and their posture rather than worrying about work, family, or other stress triggers.

   You can apply this mindfulness to your weight loss plan as well. Learn to focus on your food and your enjoyment rather than choking down your meals while watching TV.

   By taking your time and keeping your mind on your meal, you will tend to eat less and be more satisfied.

   Remember: you don't need to contort your body into a pretzel to benefit from yoga. As the original modifier of yoga poses who lost 60 pounds, I've seen the benefits of gentle stress release and weight loss yoga first hand.  It just goes to show that slow and steady can help you win the weight loss race.


 See a preview of  "Beginners Dynamic Yoga for Stress Release and Weight Loss" to learn all you need to know to begin loving yoga and improving your well-being today. 

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Color Yourself Slim!

by Suzanne Andrews

Do you eat when you get stressed? You're not the only one. I talk to many clients every day who reach for comfort foods and sweets when they're under a stressful situation. I've also been known to reach for a chocolate bar. If you're trying to lose weight, stress eating can really throw a curve ball in your weight loss plan. I started thinking, "What if you could do something that you enjoy and resulted in something beautiful every time you got stressed?"

Since I draw, love to come up with motivational sayings, and I'm a rehab therapy practitioner,  I thought I'd put all those experiences together and create a coloring book to help people lose weight with an alternative to eating when you get stressed. 

Today I'm sharing a page as my gift to you.

Enjoy and post it here when you're finished coloring it!

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

4 Water Exercise Tips for Weight Loss and Arthritis Relief

by Suzanne Andrews


Summer is almost here and we can begin to think about how we look in a bathing suit and how to treat your nagging arthritis symptoms at the same time!

The buoyancy of water supports a portion of your body weight putting less stress on your joints though still allowing for improvement of flexibility.


Here are some great water exercise tips to get you started:

  1. Water shoes provide safe traction on the pool floor. 
  1. Keep the water level at about waist to chest deep. 
  1. Move your Styrofoam weights, balls or noodles slowly through the water as this will provide less resistance than faster movements which can become too hard to do. 
  1. Webbed water gloves and flippers make great resistance tools for water exercise. 

You’ll likely never work up a sweat when in the pool but still have plenty of drinking water handy to minimize dehydration. 

Own Arthritis Water Therapy on DVD!

Water jogging, forward and side lunges and push ups on the pool steps are all great ways to treat arthritis symptoms at any level. 

To treat arthritis its important to do everything you can to stretch, use weighted resistance either in or out of the pool and be consistent. The body will conform to whatever forces you place upon it. That will translate into stronger muscles, flexible joints and reduced pain in all the places you’ve convinced yourself, “I’ll just have to live with.” It doesn’t have to be that way. So don’t be a big drip, get started today! 

Preview Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews’s Arthritis Water Therapy DVD/CD set on

Suzanne Andrews, Occupational Therapy Practitioner

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

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