Eccentric Training Part II: Understanding Get Ripped! Jacked
by Jari Love
Previously, we looked at eccentric training: what it is ( focusing on slowing down the lengthening phase of a movement), and the benefits (many including, but not limited to, greater strength gains, greater weight loss and the prevention and reduction of conditions such as osteoporosis, hypertension, heart disease, high cholesterol and diabetes).
The original idea of slow weight training was developed by Ken Hutchins in the 80’s. Hutchins tested his slow method on women with osteoporosis and after 6 months of only 2 workouts per week, the women had less pain, saw an increase in their bone density, an increase in muscle mass and reduced osteoporosis (Calandra,
Today we are going to take a look at how Jari Love’s Get Ripped! Program has incorporated eccentric training into a new workout that will give you all the benefits associated with this in demand exercise program. Let’s take a look at Jacked!
The specific techniques and exercises selected for the Jacked program are based on extensive research in the fields of physiology, exercise, fitness and sports medicine. Jacked! exercises offer significant rewards while ensuring safety by focusing on low impact, and slow movements. Jacked! is designed to constantly challenge the muscles using different tempos in muscle contraction and elongation which results in progressive increases in fitness levels.
The exercises in Jacked! are multi-joint exercises. Multi joint-exercises involve multiple muscle groups which allows us to burn more calories, lift heavier weights and get stronger, faster! Because the objective in eccentric training is to push the muscles to failure, Jacked encourages the use of heavy weights. Eccentric training demands more energy expenditure from both our anaerobic and aerobic systems; therefore, exercises are performed in exercise sets interrupted by brief periods of recovery. The standard exercise list for Jacked alternates between upper and lower body exercises, in order to allow constant work while muscles groups recover. This format promotes greater muscle growth and reduces the risk of injury.
Each exercise in Jacked is performed for a total duration of 2-3 minutes each. Jacked uses different tempos, but all repetitions are slow and controlled in order to break exercise plateaus, build strength and of course, burn more calories!
Jacked is the perfect addition to anyone’s exercise regime and is crucial in preventing aging related decreases in health. Did you know that the average body loses 30% of muscle mass between ages 25-50? Another 30% is lost between ages 50-70 and another 30% between ages 70-80. With a loss of muscle comes a loss of bone density. A loss of muscle mass and bone density results in reduced strength, weight gain, and higher rates of falls and injuries. However, resistance training can prevent this decline, and eccentric weight training programs like Jacked have been shown to be the most effective types of training for preventing and even reversing conditions like osteoporosis. A recent study has shown the numerous benefits of eccentric training including: Increased metabolism, increased strength, increased cardio-vascular health, increased mobility, increased bone density and strength, improved mood regulation, improved balance, improved sleep, reduced body fat, reduced symptoms of arthritis, reduced lower back pain, and studies suggest this type of training may even help reverse conditions like diabetes (American College of Sports Medicine. “Resistance training and the older adult.” ACSM Website, n.d. Retrieved from:
Get Ripped! Jacked! uses the best scientific research to develop a program that uses eccentric training methods to reduce the risk of injury while promoting maximal outcomes in wellness. Get Jacked! today!