Debbie Rocker

Click to Meet the Instructor


Qualifications: Certified by ACE. Women's Tandem Transcontinental World Record Holder.

Personal History: I was always athletic as a child and I was always interested in business. So, the marriage of business and fitness was just perfect. It all started when I experienced the rush of standing at the finish line of a marathon in Hawaii. I decided that I needed that feeling immediately and often, so I (naively) set out to train for my first big event - which just happened to be one of the most grueling athletics events there is - racing across the country on a bike. In fact, my riding partner and I trained for 18 months before heading out (with a crew of 18 people in tow) to set a Women's Transcontinental Tandem World Record. We rode from Huntington Beach, CA, to Atlantic City, NJ, in just under 12 days. I met Johnny G, who was also a long distance cyclist, and he asked to join with him to build a company - one that would make specially designed "spinning" bikes for gyms - our company became The Spinning Group and the rest is history. I went from Spinning to walking when I began walking for fitness for myself and recognized the how vast and open for change this market was.


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210 W. Parkway, Suite 7, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 ● © Collage Video ● Exercise Video Specialists ● Fitness Videos and Workout Videos ● 1-800-819-7111 / 201-464-4921 ●

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