Jen Edwards

Qualifications: Certified by AFAA and Les Mills
Personal History: Fitness has been a part of my life since childhood. A competitive tennis player from age 12, I quickly realized that aerobic conditioning was important to my success. In the offseason, I added running and group fitness classes to my routine and loved the results! I could play a 3-hour match and still have energy left over as a result of the extra fitness training; And fitting into a smaller pants size was pretty nice too. While pursuing my Master’s Degree in Professional Counseling, I decided to return to the group fitness setting, but this time as a certified instructor. I feel there is a strong connection between having a healthy body and a healthy mind, so helping people achieve both interested me. As a fitness trainer, I have continued to use my counseling experience to strengthen my clients’ bodies and minds and motivate them to reach their goals.
My husband and I are both extremely passionate about living a fit lifestyle, and we support each other on this mission. Each day, we also try to role model fitness for our two sons and encourage them to fit activity and exercise into their day. Some days I drop them off a mile from our home and they race each other home. We like to go on family bike rides and occasionally enroll in a local 5K run as well. Fitness is a life-long journey, not a time-limited program or quick fix, so making it a family affair keeps everyone on track.
Workout Philosophy: I can’t imagine a life without exercise. Some people have to MAKE themselves go workout, but I truly look forward to moving my body and sweating each day. I carry this enthusiasm through to my teaching style. When it comes to fitness, my philosophy is simple: take time to really focus on YOU, make your workouts matter, and the sweat will pay off.
Sucess Story: Jennifer from NC wrote:
About a month into doing SWEAT Fitness, I found out I was pregnant with my fourth child. I was 55 pounds heavier than the day I got married 7 years before! I knew I couldn’t gain 40 pounds during that pregnancy so I made the decision to “SWEAT” with Jen throughout the entire pregnancy. It was the best decision I ever made!
Using the low impact option, I worked out almost every day until a few days before delivery. Working out while pregnant made it VERY easy to start back up after delivery! I continued to do SWEAT after my 4th child was born, and within one year, I was able to drop the baby weight and another 50 pounds!
Your program is unique because there is very little “down time”. I hate lifting weights because I know I still need to do cardio later! You do a great job of integrating cardio and weight training for maximum results!
It never gets easier, BUT it is WORTH IT!