Philip Gray

Qualifications: Certified through AAAI/ISMA.
Personal History: I was born in Plymouth, England, in 1965. In 1993, I placed 7th in the World Sport Aerobic Championship in New Orleans. After being noticed by several fitness organizations from around the world, I started to present in fitness conventions. My work as a fitness presenter has taken me around the world, experiencing different cultures and methods of teaching from my fellow colleagues. After living for ten years in Italy designing for some of the top fashion houses and directing some of the most prestigious fitness centers, I decided to make a very important career move. In 1997, I moved to Miami Beach where I founded a fitness company called 2bfit International. I've also designed a fitness line of clothing and have dressed many of the famous, including Gloria Estefan, Minna Lessig, and Renee Zellweger.