Thirsty? Doesn’t Matter. Go Get Some Water.

Seriously.  Go pour a glass of water and drink it while you read this.  Your body will thank me.  The importance of proper hydration has long been established, yet many people are still not consuming the recommended amount of water.  This topic resonates deeply with us for a couple of reasons.  For starters, it is simply vital for our overall well-being.  And secondly, as exercise enthusiasts, our craft can be a cause dehydration if you’re sweating and not replenishing fluids properly.  It would be irresponsible of us to not bring awareness to this.

Did you know that each one of the trillions of cells in your body need to be hydrated to work properly?  Losing just 1% - 2% of your body’s water content can cause thirst and at this point you’re already in a state of dehydration.  Mild to moderate dehydration can lead to some unpleasant side effects like headaches, fatigue, dry mouth and bad breath, dry skin, muscle cramps, and the list doesn’t stop there.  Severe dehydration can lead to more dangerous symptoms like low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and fever.  The best fluid to consume is water and you should be drinking before the feeling of thirst strikes.  If you’re one who does not like drinking plain water, try adding a lemon slice.

Staying adequately hydrated comes with perks.  Water promotes cardiovascular health, helps your muscles and joints, and helps maximize physical performance.  This makes sense considering muscle is about 80% water.  Being optimally hydrated helps ease the difficulty of exercise both physically and mentally.  Water also helps keep your skin supple.  Lack of hydration can cause your skin to be dry and tight, which makes it more prone to wrinkling.  Drinking water helps cleanse the body by helping to get rid of certain waste products.  It gives your kidneys the fluid to properly expel metabolic waste in the body. 

As we age, staying properly hydrated is more of a challenge due to physiological changes in the body, so it’s especially important to stay conscious of it.  Lastly, although it’s uncommon, it is possible to drink too much water.  So don’t go too crazy.  It’s best to consult with your doctor to establish how much water you should intake.


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