Full Backcover Description
The Just b Live Ab Blast DVD presents a focused workout aimed at strengthening your abdominals. Use an optional weighted ball or light hand-weight to help further engage the abdominals as well as to define and strengthen your entire core. A bonus Ballet workout is also present on this DVD, which is designed to give you a total body workout focusing on toning legs and butt while working on coordination and balance.
The Just b Live series is an innovative new series of DVD workout that puts You right into the studio with Bernadette Giorgi, the creator of the Just b method. These DVDs are the next best thing to taking a master class with Bernadette – each workout contains clear instructions and precise cuing for maximum results.
Bernadette Girogi is a certified Pilates and Fitness Instructor with a black belt in Soo Bahk Do Karate and has held national titles in forms and kick boxing. A former dancer with the Ballets Elan and Joffrey Ballet, Bernadette is a QVC-TV and Danskin Fitness Expert as well as the creator of the Just b Method.

Just B Live Ab Blast with Bernadette Giorgi
Level: Beg/Int/Adv
Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.
Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).
Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.
Toning Emphasis: Abs
Upper body: Arms, chest and back.
Lower Body: Legs, thighs, hips and buttocks.
Abs: Abdominals (stomach), core and sometimes lower back.
Total body: Tones all three of the above muscle groups.
Toning Emphasis: Total Body
Upper body: Arms, chest and back.
Lower Body: Legs, thighs, hips and buttocks.
Abs: Abdominals (stomach), core and sometimes lower back.
Total body: Tones all three of the above muscle groups.
Instructor: Bernadette Giorgi (Instructor Profile)
Runtime: 80 min.
Region: 0
Street Date: 02/18/2013
Certified instructor description:
Two straight-forward workouts: ab-focused floorwork and standing ballet-style moves. The programs are simple, but effective — well-sequenced exercises taught by an experienced instructor. “Ab Blast” features lots of reps and lots of between-move stretches (nearly one-third of the workout is stretching). The exercises range from Pilates “hundreds” and “roll-ups” to gym-style leg lifts and oblique crunches. The second program is pure ballet. While holding the back of a chair, you'll do lower-body classics like pliés, arabeques and grand battements (often using a weighted ball to increase the intensity). Quiet music in a cozy studio setting. 1 to 5 lb. dumbbells and a small weighted ball are optional. ©2013.