Full Backcover Description
30 Minutes to Fitness 'Cardio Blast' has two totally different styles of cardio on one DVD.
WORKOUT ONE: is a step workout that can also be one without the step. It is comprised of athletic and strength moves with an upbeat and energetic feel. This calorie-burner also strengthens and tones your entire body.
WORKOUT TWO: is all about plyometrics. This intense training technique will burn fat, increase strength, improve cardiovascular output, boost your metabolism, and re-shape your legs, glutes and hips.
Because of its hi-impact nature, low-impact options are shown throughout for those who cannot perform hi-impact moves.
Cardio Blast stays true to the 30 Minutes to Fitness format and offers two premix options that are the ultimate test of fitness. Come on – dare yourself!

30 Minutes To Fitness: Cardio Blast With Kelly Coffey
Bayview Entertainment
Level: Advanced
Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.
Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).
Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.
Aerobics Impact: Higher
Lower Impact: Both feet never leave the ground at the same time. This minimizes stress on your knees.
Higher Impact: Includes movements like jumps, hops and skips. Very high-impact is called plyometrics.
Mixed Impact: This alternates or combines the above styles.
Aerobics Choreography: Basic
Basic: The easiest to follow. It ranges from simple walking-style marches to sports and athletic movements.
Complex: More intricate combinations and patterns. They're ideal for people who like to dance.
Moderate: More interesting than Basic, less dancy than Complex.
Instructor: Kelly Coffey-Meyer (Instructor Profile)
Runtime: 72 min.
Region: 0
Street Date: 09/09/2009
Certified instructor description:
Two athletic-style workouts — one maximizes the fat-burning with a step, the other with high-impact plyometrics. Both programs feature an interesting series of non-dancy moves (easy to follow, but tough!). The step workout has five different add-on combos. They range from classic repeaters to innovative “bench hops.” The plyometric program boosts your heart rate with ten powerful jumping drills. They range from pure-strength straight-up jumps to equally challenging lateral hops (with lots of variations). Kelly's high energy and straight-forward cuing is motivating and clear. DVD includes premix options that mix the step and plyometics into one workout. ©2009.