Full Backcover Description
Approximately 75% of physical visits are for stress-related illnesses. Learning to relax is one way to take control of stress. This DVD presents several relaxation techniques, including: progressive relaxation, imagery, breath work, stroking and self massage. It includes soothing music, combined with peaceful images of a sunset over the ocean, a waterfall, and a country meadow. It is accompanied by Mary Ann’s magical voice; repeating positive affirmations, thus proving the perfect environment to healing.
Mary Ann Wilson, is a registered nurse and is nationally certified by ACE (American Council on Exercise). She is the producer and host of the Sit and Be Fit television program. Mary Ann is also a lecturer, teacher and nationally recognized leader in the field of Senior Fitness.

Sit and Be Fit: Relax to Heal
Sit & Be Fit
Level: Beg/Int/Adv
Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.
Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).
Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.
Instructor: Mary Ann Wilson (Instructor Profile)
SKU: 6337
Runtime: 46 min.
Region: 0
Street Date: 12/05/2012
Certified instructor description:
A stretch and relaxation program with a special focus on speeding the recovery from chronic diseases (but anyone with a stressed-out life could benefit from these soothing techniques). The first segment is a guided relaxation that's designed to reduce tension — one body part at a time (“feel the peacefulness spreading to your arms...”). The next two sections feature self-massage, breath and stretching activities. They range from simple facial massages to fitness-style shoulder rolls. The final segment is a guided meditation that's accompanied by tranquil outdoor scenery (e.g. flowers, trees, streams, meadows). As Mary Ann Wilson wisely says during that sequence, “sometimes it's the simple things that refresh us the most.” Quiet music. ©2011.