Girl Power
by Angie Miller
5 Reasons You Need A Girls Getaway
Nothing parallels the power of female connection and few things soothe the soul more than a girls’ getaway. Women for me have always been a source of comfort, security, and unconditional love. I grew up in a female only household- four sisters and my mom, and my husband and I raised two daughters. I also have girlfriends throughout the world, thanks to multiple moves and plentiful work travel over the years. These women are sustenance to my soul. I count on them to be there when the tears won’t stop flowing or my heart feels like it may never be whole again. They are also the first ones I text to share a random “girls only” story that I know will make them laugh; or maybe an “I need to vent” story that I know will be returned with just the right amount of validation. It’s because of their profound support that strong female connections have become my life support, and it’s also the reason I foster my friendships and find ways to make girls getaways not a luxury, but a necessity.
I’ve had two girls’ getaways in the past few months. The key I’ve decided is to be flexible in your standards of how you define a getaway, and to be spontaneous in taking what you can get when the opportunity arises.
Getaway #1: A few months ago I was scheduled to lead a professional training in New York and I had planned to leave a day early, something I often do so I can enjoy the city and spend time with local friends. Though it may be work related, travel to a different city is one of the best times to catch up with someone who lives in the area, or to have someone join you who can share in your adventure. The day before l left I called my friend April in Philadelphia and asked her to join me. It was spur of the moment, but I knew she was going through a difficult situation and I swooned her with thoughts of wine, girl talk, shopping, and a weekend in New York City. It worked. The very next night we were hugging in the hotel lobby, laughing, and picking up where we left off, (I don’t remember how long it had been since we had last seen one another). The following day we met another friend of mine, Nancy, from Long Island, a single mom with limited time to spare, but a smart mom who knows how much her sanity depends on getting a break once in awhile. My two friends had never met, but you wouldn’t have known that based on the laughter and easy conversation. The three of us only had a couple of hours together, but it was time well spent and those moments are precious whenever you can get them. The rest of the weekend with April was a mixture of wine, laughter, sightseeing, and work, but I can’t think of a better way to enjoy my work than to share my travels with women who make my world a better place.
Nancy, April, and Me at New York’s Battery Park
What’s not to love about New York?
Getaway #2: Picture three college friends, living in three different cities, 7 kids and three husbands between us. One just lost her father, the other just helped her parents move into an assisted living facility as her father’s health is declining, and I lost my mom nearly three years ago after caring for her through her battle with dementia. I also sent my baby off to college this year and found my recent empty nest status not all it’s cracked up to be. Lets just say that when I proposed a girls getaway it didn’t take a lot of convincing to get my girlfriends on board. Once we picked a date, I performed a power search through Google flights and it seemed that a weekend in Mexico was in the cards: Affordable, quick flight, sunshine, and the number one criteria- a beach. Okay, maybe it was the margaritas
My college girlfriends- Nancy, Michelle, and Me- at our resort in Cancun, Mexico
Can you imagine waking up to this type of serenity everyday?
Both of these getaways provided much needed connection and support and filled me with a renewed sense of belonging. The reality is that we can love our kids, spouse, significant other, and jobs to pieces, but our girlfriends just get us, and that’s why getting away with them is pivotal to our health. It doesn’t have to be a weekend in Mexico. It can be a work trip where you call up a local friend and meet for lunch, or a business trip where you invite a friend to come along. If all else you can grab a friend and spend a day at a local spa. No matter how you make it work, it’s amazing what girlfriends, laughter, and connection can do to lift our spirits and give us perspective; something everyone around us can appreciate long after the party is over.
Next week, check back for Part II of Girl Power~ 5 Reasons You Need A Girls Getaway. I’ll share five reasons why I think you should grab your girlfriend/s and go, as soon as possible.
Here’s to Girl Power!
- Angie
Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at: