Submit your fitness story for a chance to win a Collage Video t-shirt autographed by CATHE FRIEDRICH!

It's easy to enter: we want to hear your fitness stories! Simply add a comment below on this blog and we will select the two Cathe-autographed t-shirt winners from all posted entries.
Tell us your story: it can be your personal fitness success story, your favorite Cathe DVD, what fitness and exercise means to you, your favorite relaxing stretch, or just about anything else fitness related. Write a little or a lot, it's up to you.
Just add your comment to this page (click the "Comments" text below to open up the submit window) with your story between now and September 14 (comments are moderated prior to publishing and are posted within 24 hours of your submission). The two t-shirt winners will be chosen by our staff from all posted comments and will be contacted via e-mail; no purchase necessary.
Connie Kurocka - April 12, 2019
I am a lady of 69 years old and have been serious since 20 years of age working out. I started out in Leotards
and tights, that is what us ladies did at that time. I now dress like the young crowd, because I exercise like a young person. I am self educated with weight training and train like a man. I read all the Bodybuilding sites
and have multi dumb bells in my home plus bands of all sizes, my husband laughs at me and says "your an
old lady how long do you expect to do this? I am silent’’’’’but in my mind I say never.
About 4 months ago I hurt my rotator cuff / and I was devastated I could not lift
heavy as I usually do but now I am some what back not quite as heavy. Again I relied on the website for
information on recovery time and physical therapy exercises for a speedy recovery.
But what I wanted to say is I think exercise has been such a good aspect of my life it is as brushing my teeth. It gives me good self esteem, a nice appearance and great health benefits.
I feel very young and I do not look my age nor do strangers I meet tell me.
I love Cathe workouts/she is one of the best/ and over the years I have seem them all /so keep up the good
work/ and always excited to see her new stuff/ I do not order because I have a den full/ but one more
will not hurt.
Well bye for now and I will keep on trucking.
Best Regards