1-Day Energy Makeover
by Kathy Smith

It’s officially the season of Sundance Film Festival here in Park City, UT! A few of my friends are in town, and we’re going non-stop from films to new restaurants to early morning workouts. And, with 7 more days to go of the festival, I need all the energy I can get! Which is exactly why I created this 1-day energy makeover. So if you are feeling exhausted before the day even begins, and want to feel refreshed and ready to take on your day, try these tips for one day to give you more mojo than a cup of joe ever could!
The Day Before You Begin Your 1-Day Energy Makeover –
Schedule tomorrow’s workouts for the times you most need them. Almost everyone feels more relaxed, alert, and alive after exercise. If you can figure out at what point in your day you most need to recharge your batteries, and make it a habit to work out then, you’ll find yourself looking forward to it.
6:00 am – Energize Your Words
Before you roll out of the sheets, say aloud the following energizing affirmation
Vitality is coursing through my body
like a river of well-being. I have
so much vital energy that it
spills over and enriches my environment.
I give from a place of unlimited abundance
whenever I allow love to flow through me.
6:30 am – Open The Curtains
The natural light will help trigger your body to wake up and get moving! If it’s still dark outside when you wake up, flip on the lights! Artificial lights also help in optimizing your wake-up process. I recommend using compact fluorescent bulbs labeled “daylight.” This type of light is most similar to natural, outdoor color temperatures.
7:00 am – Start Your Workout Slowly
Tie up your shoes, and start your workout slowly and gradually. Your top priority should be to get some kind of exercise routine going, no matter how small. A daily five or ten-minute walk is far better than a full gym workout you never do. Start with a small, easy routine you can be consistent with. Begin with this 5-min indoor walking video.
8:00 am – Go For The Green (Tea)
Get ready to take on the day with this ENERGY-PACKED smoothie recipe! Thanks to the natural lift you get with green tea mixed with the smooth chocolate raspberry flavor, it’s the perfect combination to allow you to DRINK MORE, and WEIGH LESS!
11:00 am – Sitting Is The New Smoking
Doctors, research journals, even the World Health Organization agree: Sitting is the new smoking. A sedentary lifestyle may be to blame for a host of illnesses, from fatty liver disease to diabetes, even for people who work out regularly but spend too much time sitting. Sure, we live in a computer-based world, and we can’t always jump up from our desks for a quick jog. For adding activity to your day, it’s the little stuff that counts. Try these three no-sweat moves to do at a desk.
12:00 – Add An Avocado To Your Lunch
Today’s the day to let go of fat-phobia, and add some healthy fats, such as an avocado or a handful of almonds, to your lunch. If you’re not eating enough of these good-for-you fats, it will actually shortchange your body’s ability to create energy-producing hormones.
2:00 pm – Snack On An Apple
An apple a day keeps the doctor away…but it also jolts your energy! Because apples are high in fiber, they take longer for your body to digest, which increases the amount of time that your body feels lifted. For an even more effective pick-me-up, eat your apple with a slice of cheese.
3:00 – Make Time For Magnesium
Magnesium is the mineral that improves cell efficiency, which allows your body to conserve energy. And, many women don’t get the daily recommended dose of 400 mg a day. A typical multivitamin will only have about 100 mg. Here’s a fun fact: one tablespoon of pumpkin seeds has as much magnesium as a whole banana and it delivers healthy fats at the same time.
4:00 pm – Shop For Bones
This year’s hottest energy drink is sweeping the nation, but surprisingly, it doesn’t contain any caffeine or kale, and has been a staple in your grandmother’s kitchen for ages. Women everywhere are heating up their stoves for a serving of the newest trend…bone broth. Grab my homemade recipe here.
6:00 pm – Savor Salmon
Salmon reigns king when it comes to its omega-3 fatty acids, but it also is packed with vitamin B6 riboflavin and niacin, which help turn food into fuel. Try my Broiled Salmon Dijonnaise recipe. It’s delicious and easy-to-make, and won’t take more than 20 minutes to make, including cooking time. So, enjoy!
8:00 pm – Rejuvenate With Yoga
Yoga is more than just a form of exercise. It also releases stress and gives you greater peace of mind. Of course, improved flexibility, range of motion, coordination, posture, concentration and circulation are amazing benefits, too! Before you slip into the sheets, try this 90 relaxing yoga clip using a wall and a chair.
Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.