Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews

Posts in the leg stretch category

Leg Exercises

by Suzanne Andrews

3 Easy Leg Exercises (Including Leg Stretch) You Can Do Without Any Equipment for Firm Leg Muscles

Do you have two legs…check.

Do you have a bathroom…check.

Do you have a kitchen…check.

Without screaming, crying, equipment, pain and frustration using simple leg exercises techniques and a feel good leg stretch, you going to improve your leg muscles to the point of as good or better than they were 10 years ago with these simple leg exercises. 

The first obstacle to overcome is time. We all insist we don’t have any. With these simple leg exercises, you don't need any extra time - just incorporate them into your activities of daily living.  

LEG STRETCH (Bathroom) 

  1. Next time you’re about to take a shower and waiting for the hot water to come up… do a leg stretch. Just like the runners do prior to an event. Hold on to the vanity counter, bring your heel to your buttock, grasp your ankle and hold for 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side. Now you're shower should be ready.  
  1. While brushing your teeth, place a heel on the ledge of the tub and lean forward just enough to feel a little pinch in the hamstring. Repeat on the other side. This leg muscle stretch also helps alleviate back pain.  

By practicing good hygiene every day, you incorporate a little leg stretch routine into it and wa -la, you’re stretching every day, improving blood flow and flexibility which will just plain make you feel more awake and alert.


  1. Next time your'e waiting for food to heat up in the microwave, place both hands on the counter edge for support. Squat down as far as you can, making sure to not let your toes go past your knees and placing the weight on the balls of your feet, raise and lower as many time as you can. This will activate your calf and thigh muscles.  

Waiting for the coffee maker or oven? Again with both hands in the counter edge for safety, squat again staying flat footed and press up using the heel. Do as many as you are comfortable with. This will activate the hamstring and buttock muscles.  Hidden benefit to you?  Besides lifting your butt and firming your legs, you can decrease back pain too.   

All of these leg exercises WILL strengthen leg muscles regardless of your age. Your leg muscles don’t know how old you are. They just react to whatever forces are placed upon them and get stronger and more flexible in the process. By incorporating these leg exercises into your routine, you've added joy to your life because a healthy body is a happy body.

Thanks for taking the time to be with a very important person - YOU! 


Healthiest blessings, 

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

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