Fiscal Fitness (Book)
BeFit Enterprises, Inc.
Instructor: Jack LaLanne (Instructor Profile)
Product Description:
Fiscal Fitness: 8 Steps to Wealth and Health from America's Leaders of Fitness and Finance
In these times it is most important that your health account and your bank account are in good order. That is why we are offering Fiscal Fitness for the incredible low price of $10.00. Written with Jack's good friend and co-author Matthew J. Rettick, a prominent financial planner and adviser who helps regular folks plan for a wealthy retirement. FISCAL FITNESS tackles the subject of what might happen if you extend your life by following Jack's philosophy but don’t pay attention to your finances. As Jack says, "Your health account is just as important as your bank account", and both should work together to keep you physically and fiscally fit well into your retirement years.
Publisher: Career Press; 0 edition (March 1, 2008)
Language: English
Paperback: 256 pages
ISBN-10 : 1564149889