Full Backcover Description
Build long, lean sexy muscles; improve endurance and strengthen & lengthen muscles. The Stretch and Stamina workout is designed to bring more stretching to your workout routine, while also providing some deep stamina and strengthening work. We will involve the entire body with a nice flow and within the stretching segments and transitions we integrate a variety of Pilates elements including alignment, core work, stability and more – The workout includes the use of Therabands for added resistance, challenge, and variations to some Pilates classics and new exercises.
Don’t be fooled and think this is only stretching! You will not only feel more flexible, but will notice strength, stamina, and be energized after completing this DVD. This workout can easily be done at home, in a studio, or on the go, so do it a few times a week and enjoy the blend of hard work and stretching.
Our trainer demonstrate 2 levels of intensity side-by-side, offering both a beginner & more advanced option.

Stretch and Stamina
Collage Video
Level: Begin/Inter
Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.
Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).
Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.
Toning Emphasis: Total Body
Upper body: Arms, chest and back.
Lower Body: Legs, thighs, hips and buttocks.
Abs: Abdominals (stomach), core and sometimes lower back.
Total body: Tones all three of the above muscle groups.
Instructor: Ashley Eschler (Instructor Profile)
Instructor: Joshua Smith (Instructor Profile)
Runtime: 45 min.
Region: 0
Street Date: 10/23/2012
Certified instructor description:
A straight-forward toning program that features lots of between-move stretches. It's a format designed to build a lean, strong body while also minimizing post-workout soreness. You'll start with an extended warm-up — a fluid series of deep-muscle stretch moves. Then it's down on the floor for classic exercises like curls, planks, push-ups and leg lifts (nearly always combined with pre and post-exercise stretch sequences). The ending segment is all standing; it uses a resistance band for plié and upper-body toning exercises (you'll need something solid to pull against; they use a wall-mounted barre, but a doorknob would also work). Requires a resistance band. ©2012.