Full Backcover Description

Yoga For Grandparents: Fun Gentle Practices
Level: Begin/Inter
Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.
Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).
Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.
Instructor: Ingrid Von Burg (Instructor Profile)
SKU: BV126
Runtime: 40 min.
Region: 0
Street Date: August 25, 2009
Certified instructor description:
Ingrid Von Burg’s sunny and gentle personality shines through in this simple and fun practice created for grandparents or parents and children. Active grandparents as well as any adults will enjoy this uplifting practice that deepens the connection with the body and breath. Fun and easy partner work encourages connection between grandparents or parents and children. ©2008; No equipment required
The teacher’s emphasis on having fun while doing yoga creates a relaxed approach to this yoga practice. Some stretches and breathing exercises are appropriate to use with children, such as “swing your arms back and forth like an elephant trunk” and the “bunny breath.” Two different voice tracks allow for different emphases in the first 15 minutes of the practice: one is more traditional, guiding practitioners through the movements; and the other is more spiritual, focusing on having a light-hearted attitude.
The 10 minute Dynamic series includes simple instruction without emphasis on alignment. Two levels of difficulty are shown including Level 1 modifications. Sun salutations are included so practitioners should be fit and easily able to get up and down off the floor. The teacher smiles at the other participants and reminds yogis to smile, breathe, and have fun. The 10 minute Partner series sets this DVD apart from others. Four different simple and fun stretches are demonstrated that can be done with grandparent/parent and child or two adults. The teacher discusses how family can help each other become better people and do more than they could do on their own. Helping each other stretch deeper than they could on their own exemplifies this for young minds. Modifications are included to accommodate for partners of different heights.
Practitioners with at least a basic ability to practice sun salutations will benefit from this practice. Note that there are no special modifications for seniors.
The teacher discusses how elongating the breath can help elongate the length and quality of practitioners’ lives. This practice reminds practitioners to smile and keep a positive attitude, especially when using the spiritual voice track. Opportunities to connect in new ways with family members are rare and this provides a fun, contemplative outlet for family to deepen their bonds. A real treat on this DVD includes a guided back massage in the Partner section. This is a unique way to connect with family members. The breathing exercises at the end of the DVD help yogis visualize the breath and provide an easy way to focus on the breath without over-thinking it. This helps practitioners calm down and release their worries. The balloon breath at the end is enjoyable for both children and adults, with a bonus teaching moment on the value of being quiet.
Buyer’s Guide:
While there is not much of a focus on alignment or special modifications for seniors, the value of this practice is its lighthearted nature and the fun and easy partner work. My husband and I practiced some of the partner work and had a good laugh. I intend to use it with children as well since it is short and easy. I enjoyed some of the contemplative golden nuggets of wisdom shared by the teacher. For example, she encourages being a role model for children by treating others with kindness and compassion and believing in yourself. She also provides simple explanations of some common yoga terms to help children or new yogis understand their deeper meaning. I felt uplifted by the scenery and music and enjoyed the gentle practice.
Yoga = 35 minutes
Total= 35 minutes