Functional Fitness Tips & Motivations Now Posted!
Check out this week's Functional Fitness Motivational Moment!
Learn more Age Reversing & Weight Loss Tips every Thursday here by Suzanne Andrews.
Check out this week's Functional Fitness Motivational Moment!
Learn more Age Reversing & Weight Loss Tips every Thursday here by Suzanne Andrews.
Love Notes Blog by Jari Love is now posted.
Read it HERE.
Check out this week's Functional Fitness Motivational Moment!
Learn more Age Reversing & Weight Loss Tips every Thursday here by Suzanne Andrews.
Love Notes Blog by Jari Love is now posted.
Read it HERE.
The latest blog from Kathy Smith is now posted!
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Love Notes Blog by Jari Love is now posted.
Read it HERE.
The latest blog from Kathy Smith is now posted!
You can read it HERE!!!
Check out this week's Functional Fitness Motivational Moment!
Learn more Age Reversing & Weight Loss Tips every Thursday here by Suzanne Andrews.
Are you tired of feeling like you're literally weighed down and want successful weight loss? Get ready to lift your spirits and lighten up your body with these 10 'Commandments' to losing weight and keeping it off for good.
Commandment # 1: Thou Shall Stop All Excuses
Three of the most common excuses for living an unhealthy lifestyle are:
30 minutes a day is better than days, weeks or months spent being sick and tired. Our culture has ingrained in us to do things the easy way. We live in a country where if we could we'd probably drive ourselves to the bathroom!
As far as your genetics - most of the chronic disease today is linked to poor eating habits, smoking, inactive living, and stress. These are things that you can take charge of.
You just must commit to do it.
Here is what a good fat burning fitness program does for you:
Commandment #2: Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Childs Food
Are you a member of the clean plate club for yourself, your children and everyone else sitting at the table? Do you feel compelled to finish off juniors food because you don't want it to go to waste? You can change this by changing your thinking to, "I don't want juniors' leftovers to go to my waist." Those extra calories add up to increased inches on your waistline.
Commandment #3: Thou Shall Not Eat Poisonous Fatty Fast Foods
Do you eat fast foods because you're in a hurry and don't have time to make something? By taking the time to prepare your meals you'll add years of time to your life and save yourself a lot of money both in the short term with immediate food bill savings and in the long term with medical bill savings.
Commandment #4: Thou Shall Love Thyself
Love thyself is not just a cliché. By getting in shape, you are essentially saying to your partner and all those that love you, I love myself enough to take care of my health and I want to be around a long time to share my life with you. When we commit to love our body, we make wholesome choices and feel free to discover the restorative powers of good health.
Commandment #5: Thou Shall Make Time To Exercise 5 - 6 Days a Week
Whether you feel you don't have the time to exercise, or you feel you get enough during the day - to lose the weight you first need to lose the excuses. In order to burn fat you need to do at least 30 minutes of sustained exercise and get your heart rate pumping.
Commandment #6: Thou Shall Learn How To Manage Stress
If you eat from stress, you're not alone. A large majority of my clients eat out of stress and this causes weight gain which causes stress which causes weight gain... and a cycle is born. A stressful day can be dramatically transformed with purposeful exercise. Learn to exercise and stay mentally focused on your muscles being worked. By spending time on just yourself and letting go of responsibilities, even if just for 30 minutes, you will take years of stress away from your mind/body and spirit.
Commandment #7: Thou Shall Have Patience With Thy Weight Loss Plan
Weight is not gained overnight and it won't come off overnight either. By falling for every lose weight quick scheme you are only cheating yourself from having the healthy, shapely body you will have by following a sensible diet and exercise plan. Have patience with yourself and you'll have a far less likely chance of becoming a patient.
Further Reading: Stupid fitness questions you’re too afraid to ask
Commandment #8: Thou Shall Not Halt Thy Weight Loss Plan Because Thou 'was bad.'
Let's face it, we're not perfect and we all have slip-ups. During a taping of one of my exercise shows for television, I slipped on wet grass and decided to keep it in just to demonstrate that you don't have to be perfect or beat yourself up if you fall. Just get right back up again and keep going.
Further Reading: Ask Gilad: Overcoming Setbacks
Commandment #9: Thou Shall Be Strong For Thyself
There will be times when you are around people who mean well when they say, Oh come on, just try my delicious cake, it won't hurt. True it won't hurt - them, but you yes, it will hurt your goal to arrive at your destined weight. In those moments of weakness when there's that little guy on one shoulder saying, "come on, have a bite, just one, it won't hurt, or you can exercise tomorrow," you need to be strong for yourself and keep your vision on your goal.
Commandment #10: Thou Shall Make Conscious Choices
What is consciousness? It is you. You are consciousness. It is this very consciousness that tells you innately who you are and what choices you need to make. It is your deeper self, your greater self. Call it what you will. The important thing is that it is within you. It is your world. You can't see it, smell it, touch it or hear it. But you can, and do, feel it. Being aware of yourself and your actions gives you the ability to make healthy choices.
Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series.