Dear Gilad:
What is the best way for me to set realistic and achievable goals? I'm having trouble getting motivated and starting up again (I'm in my late 50's).
- Barbara S.
First identify the health and fitness goals you want to achieve. Then, identify the lifestyle changes you can make to achieve those goals. Be sure that your lifestyle changes are not ones that seem impossible to you.
Remember, you want to build success into your program. Here are some samples of clearly defined goals and lifestyle changes that could help you achieve these goals:
Goal: I want to exercise more than I do now, which is only twice a week.
Lifestyle change: I will set aside three weekday mornings where I will get up 45 minutes earlier to do a Gilad workout, walk or jog . I will also exercise one hour on the weekend.
Goal: I want to cut down on snacking so I can lose a little extra weight.
Lifestyle change: I especially like to have snacks at night, so I will save my snacking for the evening and I will switch from potato chips and corn chips to a bowl of fresh fruit and a couple of whole wheat crackers
I recommend that you work on only one goal at a time. Making one lifestyle change at the time and succeeding at it will be far more motivating than trying to do everything at once. You could become overwhelmed and discouraged.
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Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.