Question: I am a big fan of aerobic exercise but shy away from free weights and toning exercises. How important is strength training to an overall workout?
Answer: People are starting to realize that aerobic exercise, while great for the heart and lungs and terrific for overall general health, is not an all-inclusive recipe for fitness. Possessing muscular strength is equally important and provides many of the same benefits as cardiovascular fitness, such as lower blood pressure, lower resting heart rate, improvement in cholesterol levels and lower body fat.
Muscular strength exercises are the fastest way to reshape, build, strengthen and tighten all the major muscle groups of the body helping you get that fit and lean look. These types of exercises are very effective in improving your overall appearance and posture and increasing bone mass which lowers your risk for osteoporosis. Muscular strength also increases the strength of your joints decreasing your chance for injury.
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