Exercise Results
Question: I started an exercise program last week and I can't see any improvement. How will I know when it is working?
Answer: There are several things to look for to see if your fitness level is improving. Often when you are in the middle of something it is difficult to see the small changes that are occurring. That's why record-keeping can really help you. It gives you written proof of the improvements that are happening. Keep a notebook documenting your exercise sessions. Include facts like when you exercised, for how long, what you did, how far you went, how fast, how you felt, how much weight you lifted and how many times, what stretching exercises you did, etc.
- Increase in endurance: The ability to train for a longer period of time without becoming exhausted.
- Increase in strength: The ability to lift more weight or perform more repetitions without becoming exhausted.
- Increase in flexibility: The ability to perform stretches with more range than before.
- Decrease in body fat: A leaner look. Previous areas of fat deposits such as love-handles, thighs and buttocks shrinking and muscles beginning to show through.
- Improvement in appearance and health: You will feel it and know it. It is an unmistakable feeling.
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Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.