Ask Gilad

Posts in the tips category

Why Should I Continue To Workout?


I would like to be the good-looking, confident, successful guy that is in great shape, but I just can't seem to get it done. Everything I do is a chore. Exercising makes me uncomfortable. I just don't have much confidence in myself. Why does everything have to be so difficult?


Finding out you have the perseverance to stick with an exercise program is a powerful discovery. It means that you possess a tool that can get you through some of the toughest times of life. You see, the strength you develop by sticking to your exercise routine, (even if you don't feel like doing it that day, or even if there are other things you would rather be doing) is the same strength that gives you control over other areas of your life.

Exercising regularly gives you a wonderful sense of self-control and boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem. Let's be honest, it takes self-discipline to exercise regularly...especially in the beginning when it feels uncomfortable, and your muscles get sore easily, and you think that everybody else is so much more advanced than you are.

But people who have done it - people that have gotten past this first stage - all have similar stories to tell. People who set and achieve physical goals discover time and time again that by tapping into their powers of perseverance and strength to do so, they suddenly realize greater success in other areas of their lives, whether it's building a stronger marriage or advancing in a career.  

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.
Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

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Coping with Sweet Tooth and How To Overcome Your Downfall

Gilad: I try desperately to eat healthy but 50 years of habits are hard to break.  Typically for dinner I will prepare a big salad, some type of lean meat, fish or chicken, a vegetable and starch.  Everything is good until later in the evening when I start to crave cookies or ice cream.  Do you have any tips to get me out of this cycle?

Answer: There are some very simple practical things that you can do to help yourself. 

You sound like you are using fresh ingredients in your meal preparation, but dinner is not the only meal you eat during the course of a day.  Avoid processed foods as much as possible because they are major sources of excess sugar, salt and preservatives.

Do not add salt when you are cooking.  Never add salt until you have tasted your food and are certain that it needs some....and then use 'lite' salt that is only half salt and half potassium chloride.

If you cook or bake at home try reducing the amount of sugar in your recipes by half.  The resulting product will still be delicious and, in most cases, you won't be able to tell the difference.

And finally, if cookies and ice cream are your downfall, don't keep them in the house.  Resist the urge to buy them when you are at the grocery store.  Try substituting fresh fruit.  Make sure you have plenty on hand.  Fruit is just like a dessert but with all those extra vitamins and minerals along for the ride.

Keep in mind that your food is the fuel your body runs on.  When you are deciding what to eat think to yourself, "What food will give me lots of energy and make me feel good if I eat it?"  The more you ask that question the better you will eat. 

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

By Collage Video | | Ask Gilad, fitness, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

Discover Your Inner Athlete

Gilad: I have always wondered what it would be like to be in good shape but I have never been the athletic type. I need some motivation about how to start an exercise program. Can you help?


Answer: I believe we are all 'natural athletes', and our bodies are just waiting for the opportunity to exercise their innate physical abilities. However, somewhere along the way, many of us have forgotten these abilities because we didn't use them.

I make it a point to observe people that are just starting to exercise or participate in sports for the first time in their lives. It is beautiful to watch people that are setting and achieving goals for the first time.

Whether we build a castle on a hill or grow a rose in the back yard...whether we win an Olympic gold medal or make the cut on our bowling team, it's all about achievement! And achievement is about putting energy into motion!

Now get out there and discover your 'inner athlete'!

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Is Gaining Weight During a New Workout Normal?


I have finished the first 4 weeks of the 'Quick Fit System' and am starting on week 5. The other day I unconsciously ran up some stairs at work and I was hardly out of breath. I completely surprised myself as normally when I climbed stairs I would have been huffing and puffing. Thank-you for such an effective program. My only concern is that I haven't seen any significant weight loss yet. In fact I have gained a few lbs. Is this normal?


When starting an intense fitness program it is not uncommon to gain some weight because your muscles are developing and becoming denser. I would not worry about it at this time. Just stick with the program. Your body will adjust and will find its own balance and correct weight.

The true test to the success of your program was when you realized that it was easier for you to climb stairs without huffing and puffing. You are on the right track!

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

By Collage Video | | Ask Gilad, exercise, fitness, Gilad, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

The Perfect Crunch/Sit Up


I just started week 5 of your 'Quick Fit System'. I am feeling stronger and healthier than ever before. 
My question is about crunches. After a few in the abs workout it feels like I am just moving my head. I continue to try to do them and compress my abs. Any tips? Am I on the right track?


First I want to congratulate you on your achievements with the 'Quick Fit System'. It sounds like you are getting good results.

In regards to your question about how to do the crunches correctly, it is crucial with abdominal exercises to have the right form.

Typically when doing a crunch you should allow the head to lean against the palm of the hands and try to keep the neck and head as relaxed as possible. The focus should be on contracting your abs.

 Stick with the program! It sounds like you are on your way!

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


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Reshape Your Lower Body


What are the best exercises, including weights to tone and build muscle in the thighs? I especially need to firm up the inner thigh but interested in more intense exercising in buns and thighs. 




The best exercises for the buns and thighs would be squats, lunges and inner thigh toning exercises. I think you will find all you want in my Power and Grace workout. It's the best workout I have for reshaping, toning and strengthening the lower body.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


Trying to Lose Baby Weight?


I am trying to lose baby weight and get back into exercising to be more healthy. Which DVDs would be a good starting one again. Thanks!



I would recommend the Weight Loss and Toning Program, it will help you get started and get you back into shape back after pregnancy.


Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


By Collage Video | | Ask Gilad, exercise, fitness, goals, tips, Weekly Blog, wellness | 0 comments | Read more

Fitness & Diet Do's and Don'ts


What are some fitness/diet do's and don'ts for hard training male and females 50 years old plus? 



When we go into our fifties it is more important than ever to pay close attention to our nutrition since the metabolism slows down and everything we eat seems to want to stick to all the wrong places... Nutrition wise it is very important to eat lean and healthy foods and of course not over eat.

Lean proteins, good complex crabs (yams and sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grain etc.) green veggies and 3 servings of fruits a day are a good base. In regards to exercise, when you get into your fifties consistency becomes way more important the intensity.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


This Week's "Ask Gilad" Blog


Hi Gilad! You look great! I started working out to your show "Bodies in Motion" around 25 years ago. I have several of your tapes and DVDs and still workout with you. My weight has fluctuated throughout my life but I recently lost 42 lbs through diet and exercise and was looking pretty lean and toned last summer, especially for my 53rd birthday right around the corner. I was rear ended the end of July and because of neck pain I couldn't do any vigorous workouts for several months.

That, plus other stressful events in my life which have slowly pushed me into comfort eating once again, and I have gained 10 lbs back since my accident. I can't seem to find my motivation again and am scared and saddened to find myself moving back up the scale, as I worked so hard to get into shape. From what I have observed, you have never been out of shape in your life, but do you have any suggestions? I truly admire you!

Sharyl R.


Aloha Sharyl,
Sounds like you are ready to get back into your top shape.
You say that you lost a total of 42 pounds and now have gained 10 back. Your situation is not bad!
All you have to do is start up again slowly and at your own pace!
Often when we let go of our fitness program for a period of time for whatever reason, we find it hard to get back into it because all we remember is how it felt when we are at full swing. From where you are right now that might seem like to big a  challenge.
So, go back to the basics! do only what you can easily and comfortably do and take it one workout at a time!
Remember, for where you are now consistency is more important then intensity!
If you follow this plan I believe you will lose the extra 10 pounds in no time!

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


This Week's "Ask Gilad" Blog


When you lunge forward you always say not to let your knee go past your toe. Why?



It is very important for your body to be in the right position any time you do any exercise. Not only will you get more out of each exercise but you will also keep your body's working parts safe. Any movements that involve deep flexion of the knee (beyond 90 degrees) needs to be very carefully executed as it is potentially unsafe. In most cases it is not necessary to go into a deep flexion in order to get the benefit out of the exercise. A classic example is the forward lunge. The best way for you to gauge that your knee is not bending below 90 degrees is to make sure that your knee ends up in a vertical line to the middle of your foot and that it never goes past your toe line. You will notice that even in professional sporting events it is rare to see any athlete go into a deep forward flexion, if they occasionally do so, it is not in a repetitive movement such as you do when you exercise. Have a safe workout!

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


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