Strength training videos

These strength-training exercise videos and dvds are designed to work all the major muscle groups: legs, buttocks, core and upper-body. Strengthening these muscles makes all your everyday tasks easier. Note: If you want a targeted strength-training fitness workout, choose a body-part-focused option from the "goals" menu (e.g. Tone lower body).
QUICK VIEW Cathe Friedrich's Low Max
$ 26.99$ 19.99Cathe Friedrich's Low Max
$ 19.99$ 26.99Entirely low-impact but still ultra-challenging, it features seven aerobic/anaerobic cycles. You'll get Cathe's excellent cuing and legendary intensity without her usual higher-impact jumps. The five-minute aerobic segments are taught add-on...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Cathe Friedrich's Muscle Max OUT OF STOCK
Cathe Friedrich's Muscle Max
$ 20.99$ 26.99Sorry, this product is temporarily out of stock.
A super-challenging program that uses a step, a resistance band and heavy-weights. Cathe's careful sequencing and precise focus on technique absolutely assure a strong, shapely body (if you can keep...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Cathe Friedrich's High Step Challenge
$ 26.99$ 22.95Cathe Friedrich's High Step Challenge
$ 22.95$ 26.99A fast-paced, non-stop workout with exceptionally varied intervals (in both the cardio and toning). Each of the five aero/tone cycles is completely different; they're all designed to build stamina, strength...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Cathe Friedrich's Low Impact Step
$ 21.99$ 15.99Cathe Friedrich's Low Impact Step
$ 15.99$ 21.99A solid step-aerobics workout and a well-structured stability-ball toning program. Like all Cathe's programs, it's exceptionally well-cued and sometimes challenging. But this is specially designed for less advanced exercisers (e.g....» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Leisa Hart's Sexy Buns
$ 14.99$ 10.99Leisa Hart's Sexy Buns
$ 10.99$ 14.99Designed to be both fun and interesting, it begins with “sexy” aerobics and ends with a fast-changing series of butt-shaping toning. Both the warm-up and cardio feature flowing, graceful movements...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Kelly Coffey's Complete Cardio Sculpting
$ 19.99$ 14.99Kelly Coffey's Complete Cardio Sculpting
$ 14.99$ 19.99Body-part-focused toning intervals alternated with unusually fast-paced cardio “bursts.” It's a format that's both challenging and time-efficient. Each toning segment targets a specific muscle group with 4 to 6 weight-room-style...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Cathe Friedrich's High Step Training
$ 24.99$ 19.99Cathe Friedrich's High Step Training
$ 19.99$ 24.99You get five complete cycles — they're all superbly cued and fast-paced, with excellent transitions. They're like five “mini-workouts” — each cycle features distinct moves in the same sequence (aerobics,...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Cathe Friedrich's Step, Jump and Pump and Step Blast
$ 39.99$ 24.99Cathe Friedrich's Step, Jump and Pump and Step Blast
$ 24.99$ 39.99Two very challenging workouts by a superb instructor. “Step, Jump & Pump” begins with non-dancy step aerobics followed by non-step aero/tone intervals. The higher-impact cardio intervals feature old-school favorites like...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Mindy Mylrea's Kick Butt Boot Camp
$ 19.99$ 12.99Mindy Mylrea's Kick Butt Boot Camp
$ 12.99$ 19.99A non-dancy/athletic-style workout in three segments: hi/lo, step and kickbox. The variety keeps you motivated while the fast pace keeps you burning fat. Mindy uses a medicine ball during the...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Cathe Friedrich's Slow and Heavy OUT OF STOCK
Cathe Friedrich's Slow and Heavy
$ 37.99$ 49.99Sorry, this product is temporarily out of stock.
Three super-challenging workouts. Each one targets a specific body area with heavy weights and very slow, very conscious movements. By eliminating all momentum, this technique absolutely maximizes intensity… and results...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Amy Bento's A-Team Boot Camp
$ 19.99$ 14.99Amy Bento's A-Team Boot Camp
$ 14.99$ 19.99Buy this DVD or start Streaming here Six ultra-tough aero/tone intervals that use lots of equipment for some very innovative toning. These exceptionally well-planned and well-transitioned sequences will challenge (and...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Amy Bento's Cardio Pump Hi-Lo
$ 19.99$ 14.99Amy Bento's Cardio Pump Hi-Lo
$ 14.99$ 19.99Buy this DVD or start Streaming here Short ultra-intense cardio followed by a medley of diverse body-sculpting routines. It's all unusually varied; Amy is constantly changing the pattern, tempo, range...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Cathe Friedrich's Drill Max
$ 26.99$ 22.97Cathe Friedrich's Drill Max
$ 22.97$ 26.99An aero/tone “interval” workout that varies the exercises, but not the intensity — this super-tough program just never slows down. Cathe has added extra variety to her usual repertoire; she's...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Cathe Friedrich's Body Max 2
$ 26.99$ 22.95Cathe Friedrich's Body Max 2
$ 22.95$ 26.99Nearly 100 minutes non-stop intensity — step aerobics, aero/tone intervals and floorwork. Designed for the super-advanced exerciser, it's a true body-transforming marathon (or use the “premix” options to break it...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Denise Austin's Fit & Firm Pregnancy
$ 14.99$ 12.95Denise Austin's Fit & Firm Pregnancy
$ 12.95$ 14.99Varied and effective exercises designed for each stage of your pregnancy. Denise teaches and motivates while the all-pregnant class follows along. The cardio workout is for the entire pregnancy —...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Kathy Smith's Power Walk for Weight Loss OUT OF STOCK
Kathy Smith's Power Walk for Weight Loss
$ 12.95$ 14.99Sorry, this product is temporarily out of stock.
Buy this DVD or start Streaming here Walking-based moves that use dumbbells and faster-paced “bursts” to increase intensity. The steps are super-easy to follow — mostly simple marches and jogs,...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW The Biggest Loser: Volume 2
$ 14.99$ 5.99The Biggest Loser: Volume 2
$ 5.99$ 14.99You can create your ideal personal workout by choosing the 10 to 16-minute segments that are right for you (each section has a specific purpose — fat-burning, muscle-toning or flexibility)....» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Kelly Coffey's Step-Boxing
$ 19.99$ 14.95Kelly Coffey's Step-Boxing
$ 14.95$ 19.99Blends the intensity of step with the power of kickboxing. Kelly's superb cuing makes this unique combination really work. By using consistent eight-count patterns, she effortlessly inserts punches, jabs and...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Mindy Mylrea's All Systems Go!
$ 19.99$ 12.99Mindy Mylrea's All Systems Go!
$ 12.99$ 19.99A body-bar interval program that integrates both cardio and toning into all the exercises — you'll burn fat and sculpt your body at the same time. The workout is structured...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Gilad's Total Body Sculpt (TV series Vol. 1 - 3) Bundle
$ 49.99$ 37.49Gilad's Total Body Sculpt (TV series Vol. 1 - 3) Bundle
$ 37.49$ 49.99Nine complete total-body workouts on three DVDs. Now you can work out with Gilad on your schedule, choosing the programs that focus on your daily preference (each workout is a...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW 10 Minute Solution: Prenatal Pilates $ 14.99
10 Minute Solution: Prenatal Pilates
$ 14.99Five 10-minute segments, they all feature a well-designed series of pregnancy-specific exercises (e.g. the on-your-back moves use several pillows so you never have to lie flat). Lizbeth Garcia's one-on-one cuing...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Amy Bento's Hi-Lo Dome Challenge
$ 19.99$ 14.99Amy Bento's Hi-Lo Dome Challenge
$ 14.99$ 19.99Buy this DVD or start Streaming here Two full workouts: a challenging hi-lo program plus an intense Bosu toning workout (one person does it using a step). The hi-lo is...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Kelly Coffey's Cardio-Sculpt Fitness
$ 19.99$ 14.99Kelly Coffey's Cardio-Sculpt Fitness
$ 14.99$ 19.99Kelly Coffey-Meyer's uniquely sequenced four-part cycles will challenge even the most advanced exerciser. Each of the five circuits starts with sustained step aerobics followed by targeted body sculpting. But you're...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Kathy Smith's Peel Off the Pounds Pilates
$ 14.99$ 12.95Kathy Smith's Peel Off the Pounds Pilates
$ 12.95$ 14.99Buy this DVD or start Streaming here A straight-forward, very easy-to-follow workout that blends a Pilates element into each exercise. You'll start with easy-to-follow calorie burning and finish with well-sequenced...» View full product details -
QUICK VIEW Strong Body, Ageless Body with Erin O'Brien OUT OF STOCK
Strong Body, Ageless Body with Erin O'Brien
$ 17.99Sorry, this product is temporarily out of stock.
Back-to-the-fundamentals exercises that cleverly integrate optional intensity modifications. It's easy to stick with the base move or follow the corner-of-the-screen inset to see the more advanced variations (e.g. instead of...» View full product details